Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

‘’I’ve never been on a plane before,’’ I admitted as I sat in between Kyle and Blake. ‘’It’s pretty scary,’’

‘’It’s fine, just sit and remember to chew gum when the plane sets off or else your ears are gonna hurt,’’ Kyle said tossing me his gum packet.

‘’Thanks,’’ I said accepting the gum and popping two in my mouth. I’d take any advice, even if it wasn’t real advice I’d still do it just in case.

‘’You seem pretty tense,’’ Blake smirked as I buckled my seatbelt and pulled It tight.

‘’I am tense,’’ I said clutching the hand rest.

‘’Chill out,’’ Blake smirked as he threw a piece of gum in his mouth.

When the plane did start to rise I could feel my stomach doing flops but I had to admit the feeling was awesome. I couldn’t stop grinning, after a while the flight attendants started walking down the aisle offering drinks and food.

‘’Do we need to pay?’’ I asked as the woman strolled over to our row.

‘’No,’’ Kyle rolled his eyes as he asked for a coke.

‘’What about you?’’ The flight attendant asked with a kind smile of her face, in fact all the flight attendants had fixed smiles on their faces every second.

‘’umm…Apple juice please,’’ I said.

‘’Sure,’’ she poured me a cup then gave it to me.

‘’What movies are you watching?’’ Blake asked as he sipped his coke.

‘’Dunno, what is there to watch?’’ I asked as I looked at my blank screen.

‘’Here,’’ he said thrusting me a magazine, there were timetables of what movies was on what channels at what times. ‘’You control the channels here,’ he said pointing to the little numbers on the hand rest. 

After skimming through the magazine I settled on Mamma Mia, as I watched flight attendants came back and gave out dinners. The food was quite good and I finished all of them within 15 minutes, after all I didn’t have much to eat in the morning. While the credits and cast members names rolled out at the end, I switched the tv off, took out the headphones then leaned back massaging my head I wasn’t used to watching tv in such a close distant, even though the screen was small it was still all really new to me I glanced over at Blake, he was watching some sort of horror movie with lots of blood and zombies, Kyle was watching the same thing, typical boys. I rolled my eyes and fell asleep as my head jerked uncomfortably.

‘’Night Ellie,’’ Kyle said as he pushed my head to lean on his shoulders.

‘’Night,’’ I mumbled sleepily as he put his arm around my shoulders, I could feel weight on the top of my head so I assumed that Kyle had also put his head on top of mine, not caring that it might be awkward later on, I fell asleep comfortably.

‘’Ellie’’ I woke up to someone patting my head gently.

After rubbing my eyes I sat up and saw Kyle staring down at me. ‘’We’re getting off now,’’

‘’Oh,’’ I mumbled as I yawned and stretched.

‘’Good sleep?’’ Blake asked smirking.

‘’Yep,’’ I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

‘’You sure looked comfy,’’ He smirked again.

‘’Dude shut up,’’ Kyle groaned rubbing his face.

‘’Just because I lied on Kyle’s shoulders does not make us have anything couple-y going on, it was purely friendship,’’ I said standing up and stretching my numb legs.

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