Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It was only until they left that I realized that the dining table was still full of dirty plates and cups.

‘’I can help clean,’’ I said rolling up my cardigan sleeves.

‘’ Thank you so much, just collect the dishes, scrape off the food and pop them in the dishwasher,’’ Amelia said. ‘’I’ll ask Kyana to clean the table,’’ She turned up the stairs and called for Kyana.

After collecting all the dishes and scraping off the food in the bin I popped them in the dishwasher, set it then washed my hands and walked out seeing Kyana wiping the table with a wet cloth.

‘’Night,’’ I said waving as I went up the stairs.

‘’Sweet dreams,’’ she smiled.

As I walked past to my room I heard noises coming from Jake’sroom, the door was open so I peeked inside. Jake was lying on his bed as Blake was talking to him on the side. Not wanting to intrude I quickly turned away and went back to my own room.

After changing into a tank top and shorts, cleaning my teeth and taking down my hair I climbed into bed, but the pain from my cheeks was starting to throb. I tried to search in my bag for painkillers but I couldn’t find any. I decided to go find Amelia if she was still awake. I tiptoed out as the house was silent and dark, everybody must be asleep.

‘Finding something?’’ a voice whispered behind me. I jumped as I turned around to see Blake leaning against his doorframe completely hidden in the shadows.

‘’Holy you scared me,’’ I said clutching my heart which was beating way faster than normally.

‘’I know,’’ he smirked. ‘’so you finding something?’’

‘’Yeah painkillers,’’

‘’Why?’ he asked confused. ‘’uh oh you on your period?’’ he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

‘’what? No!’’ I exclaimed. ‘’my cheeks just starting to play up,’’ I sighed.

‘’Oh,’’ he said as realization crossed his face. ‘’here I’ll get you some,’’ he said as we walked down to the kitchen. He rummaged in the drawers for it, and then tossed it to me. He filled a cup with water then handed it to me while I cracked two pills from the packet. After washing it down I cleaned the cup then left it to dry.

‘’Thanks,’’ I whispered. ‘’I think I’ll go outside for a bit,’’

‘’On your own?’’

‘’Well yeah, I just wanna clear my head a bit,’’ I said as I made my way to the back garden.

‘’I’ll come with you,’’ he said.

‘’No it’s ok,’’ But of course, him being him, he still followed me outside. I lay down on the soft grass as I stared up at the sky. He followed in suit and we both lay staring in a comfortable silence. He turned and stared at me, it sent tingles up my spine and I felt like I was naked.

‘’Is your cheek still hurting?’’ he asked.

‘’no,’’ I replied turning to face him feeling brave. We stared at each other in silence and I was completely sucked into those blue eyes. He lifted his fingers slowly, and hesitantly traced it over my stitched cheek. I flinched a little as his warm fingers touched my cheek. He didn’t prod it, he just ran his fingers over the ugly lumps of stitches.

‘’Why would a father do that to his own daughter?’’ he asked softly as if he was asking himself rather than asking me.

‘’He’s gone through a tough time,’’ I said looking down as his fingers continued to make my cheek glow, each bit of skin he touched flamed.

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