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‘’rise and shine,’’ I sang as I pulled the curtains loudly allowing the bright sunlight glare into the room.

‘’it’s too early, go away,’’ Blake grumbled as he rolled over and hid his face in his pillow.

‘’come on, it’s going to be a big big big day,’’ I mimicked Effie Trinket in a British accent.

‘’that accent doesn’t match you,’’ Blake mumbled with his face still in his pillow.

‘’Come on,’’ I whined slapping him across the back.


‘’move your butt,’’ I said again as I cradled my 8 months pregnant stomach.

‘’I’m tired,’’ he groaned.

‘’it’s your daughter’s birthday, the least you could do is attend the party on time,’’ I scolded tapping my watch.

‘’it’s not until another 4 hours, chill out,’’ he muttered.

I sighed then smirked as an idea formed in my head. ‘’my water broke,’’ I gasped.

‘’what?!’’ he asked bolting straight up. ‘’are you alright? Do you need to go to the hospital now? Let’s go!’’ he yelled his hair and eyes wild as he jumped out from the bed.

I burst into a fresh flood of giggles. ‘’GOTCHAAA!’’ I sang out as I hugged my swollen belly.

‘’so your water didn’t break?’’ he said with his eyes narrowed.

’’Nope,’’ I laughed.

‘’my wife the immature girl,’’ he mumbled as he hugged me close and felt my stomach.

‘’my husband the lazy boy who refuses to get out of bed,’’ I shot back with a teasing giggle.

‘’are you sure you’re ok?’’ he asked stroking my belly.

‘’I’m certain,’’ I laughed. ‘’come on let’s go wake up Lex,’’

We stopped in front of her bedroom and opened the door quietly, the room was dark and we could just make out the silhouette of our sleeping daughter. I drew back the curtains slowly and quietly letting in some sunlight. Her room was pink pink pink and pink. Pink curtains, pink walls, pink carpets, pink duvet, pink wardrobe, pink clothes, pink hairbrush, pink toothbrush, pink toothpaste, pink everything.

My daughter was of course wearing a pink nightdress and was buried under her pink covers hugging her pink teddy close. Her mouth was slightly open and she was popping bubbles in her mouth.

‘’such a cutie,’’ I whispered as I padded over to her side and sat on her bed,

Blake sat on the other side of her, we both admired our sleeping daughter then I stroked her soft cheek gently.

‘’happy birthday Lexi,’ I sang out quietly as Blake stroked her blonde curls.

She mumbled something then turned around sucking on her thumb.

‘’come on Lexi, who’s turning four today? ’I asked as I shook her gently.

She made an annoyed sound then flopped down on her pillow with her face in the pillow.

‘’like father like daughter,’’ I smirked as I tried to get my lazy daughter up.

‘’shut up,’’ Blake said with a grin. ‘’come on Lexi, or else you’re going to be late for your own party,’’

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