Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I opened my eyes slowly, trying to adjust as the light suddenly hit my eyes. I squinted and tried to make sense of where I was. The last thing I remembered was falling asleep in Blake’s car. Blake! I gasped and tried to sit up without knowing there were freakin tubes attached to me, it ripped through my skin at the sudden movement and I fell back on the bed defeated. I saw Blake sleeping on a chair and two other strangers, a woman and a teenager guy. The teenager boy looked up when he heard me thump back on the bed.

He got up and shook the woman and Blake, both of them jumped awake and Blake immediately rushed to my side the minute he made eye contact with me.

‘’Ellie,’’ he said as he stood over me.

‘’Hey,’’ I said offering him a smile.

‘’Do you want some water?’’ He asked.

I nodded as I stared at my ripped skin.

‘’Do you need a doctor to fix that up darling?’’ the woman asked me, her voice was gentle and I felt tears in my eyes since her voice reminded me so much of my own mother.

‘’Oh honey, don’t cry. The doctor will stop then pain and we’ll explain everything,’’ the woman said in sympathy.

I nodded and willed myself to man up. She exited the room calling for a doctor and Blake came back to my side with a glass of water, I sipped it appreciatively..

‘’So what happened?’’ I asked.

After Blake was finished with the story, I couldn’t help but be glad that I was living with the Stonée’s even though it won’t be for forever, at least I didn’t need to face my dad.

The next day I was allowed to leave thankfully, when they drove me to their house i was amazed by how pretty it looked. It was huge but homey at the same time.

‘’You have a huge house,’’ I commented.

‘’Well, we do have seven people in the family,’’ Blake chuckled.

‘’Wait SEVEN?’’ I asked shocked.

‘’yeah,’’ he replied.

‘’Whoah I thought it was only you and Ky,’’ I said.

‘’Here I’ll introduce them to you, their all probably in the dining room since it’s a Sunday,’’Blake said.

And he was right, there were a lot of people lounging on the sofa playing monopoly together. When they heard us they turned their heads to look at us. I guess I still looked pretty bad with my patched up face, so I just smiled even though it hurt my cheek.

‘’I’m George, it’s nice to finally meet you,’’ Blake’s father came up to me and shook my hand.

‘’Hi’’ I said smiling at his warmness.

‘’I’m Ethan,’’ a blonde hair brown eyed guy came up to me wearing a tight fit grey shirt and jeans. ‘’I’m in college, but I came back this weekend,’’

I nodded at him.

‘’Kyana,’’ a girl greeted cheerfully. She had huge brown curls and green eyes. She looked a lot like Ky. ‘’And yes, I’m Ky’s twin, and sadly he’s the older one, by 2 minutes,’’ she said pouting.

I laughed at her and she smiled back kindly.

‘’I’m jake,’’ a little voice piped up. I came to a little boy who looked like an exact replica of young Blake. He was so cute but he had that cheekiness. ‘’I’m five,’’

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