Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

‘’you look beautiful,’’ Blake said as I walked down the stairs and finally stopped in front of him.

‘’my boyfriend the clichée movie line stealer,’’ I teased with a smirk.

‘’hey I’m just stating the obvious,’’ he defended with a chuckle.

‘’don’t worry, you look amazing too,’’ I said as I pinched his cheek lightly.

His purple tie matched my shirt. It was prom! Grace had made me promise that I would allow her to do anything on me, and me being the stupid one agreed.

She curled my hair until it fell in soft ripples down my back; I was wearing a strapless deep purple dress which hugged my every curve all the way down to my thighs then letting it out loosely so I could walk. I had a black strap around my waist, the front hugged my chest tightly accentuating my chest area and the back was backless. I wore black heels and stupid Grace put makeup on me, I don’t even know what a frikkin foundation is so I’m not going to bother to explain what she put on me. 

As we arrived in school, after snapping a few photos we headed towards the food section.

‘’always hungry as usual,’’ Blake commented.

‘Shut up, I’ve had nothing but hospital food for a month, I deserve to pig out,’’ I said as I piled my plate high with goodies.

After chomping each one down with Blake looking at me with a soft smile we headed towards the dance floor. I placed my arms on his neck and he placed his on my waist as we swayed.

‘’I’m so glad you’re in my life,’’ he whispered as his lips brushed against mine.

I closed my eyes at his touch. ‘’literally,’’ I joked.

But he didn’t laugh. ‘’it’s not funny,’’

‘’oh come on, don’t be such a spoilsport,’’ I said smiling lightly.

‘’I love you Ellie,’’ he said brushing his lips against mine again.

‘’stop turning me on with those lips of yours then retreating,’’ I complained.

He smirked.

‘’but I love you too Blake,’’ I replied. Then this time we really kissed.

‘’SMILE GUYS!’’ grace squealed, we turned around posed and she shot the picture.

‘’perfect,’’ she said as she took out the Polaroid photo and gave it to us.

‘’have fun,’’ she laughed as she hooked her arm with Elliot and wandered off.

‘’one more picture to add to my ever growing collection,’’ I commented.

‘’oh yeah I nearly forgot,’’ he said as we continued swaying. ‘’I need to bring you somewhere later,’’

‘’where? ‘I asked excited.

‘’don’t get your hopes up I’m just giving you something you didn’t get,’’

My eyes scrunched in confusion. ‘’what’s that?’’

‘’your banana milkshake,’’ he whispered. Then we both burst out laughing.


so there you are :D it's complete! read vote comment like and promote! :) i'm still thinking if i should start on an epiglogue, and if i do what it's going to be about....hmm. :) comment if you got any ideas :D

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