Chapter 2

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Sorry for anyones who called Maya, i dont mean to offend yoU!


Chapter 2

My next class was English, I sat doodling in my book alone, Grace wasn’t in this class and obviously I had no other friends so I was sitting by myself. But I didn’t care. Ms Jones walked in and started talking; I jotted notes on the way when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Ms Jones immediately stopped talking as she turned to open the door. The principles helper Ms Green was standing by the door with a new boy by her side. After saying some stuff to Ms Jones the boy stepped in with Ms Jones by his side.

‘’Everybody this is Blake,’’

The girls seemed to be all over him. He was good looking, tall and buff with surfer’s blonde hair and tanned skin; he had the biggest blue eyes ever and seemed to have every single girl in the room wrapped around his finger.

‘’If you could introduce yourself Blake,’’ Ms Jones said. 

‘’I’m Blake Stone, I was originally from California, but we moved so now here I am,’’ he said simply.

‘’Hobbies and favourite subject and food?’’ Ms Jones asked.

‘’I like surfing and basketball, can’t decide between pizza or fish and chips, and my favourite subject is…well…I don’t have one,’’ he grinned.

The girls laughed and I rolled my eyes. He didn’t even crack a joke, but I could tell this was the effect Blake was going for. He looked at Mara and threw her a wink. Mara swooned and the other girls looked pretty jealous of her.

‘’Right well Blake we better get you sorted,’’ Ms Jones said clearing her throat at Mara.

‘’Sit with Ellie, she’s a good girl she’ll get you along,’’ she said gesturing to me.

I could barely contain my eye rolling. Blake dropped into the seat next to me and smiled at me.

‘’hey,’’ he said grinning.

I nodded then continued jotting down notes as the teacher was talking.

‘’So, anybody I need to keep away from?’’ he asked breezily as he slowly took out his books and pens.

I ignored him as I continued jotting down notes.

‘’Yoo-hoo!’’ he said flapping his hand in my face rudely.

‘’What?’’ I said venomously.

‘’I asked if I should keep away from anyone here,’’ he said rolling his eyes.

‘’Yes for me, no for you,’’ I said as I strained to remember what Ms Jones was talking about before I was so rudely interrupted.

‘’Why?’’ he pestered.

‘’Can you talk to me later? I’m trying to concentrate here,’’ I said pointing to Ms Jones.

‘’Nah,’’ he said flicking my hair.

I glared at him as I turned away.

‘’Answer meee,’’ he whined like a little kid.

‘’ugh. I need to keep away from all the cheerio’s because they all hate me but you have nothing to fear because you’re so good looking every girl that’s met you is already in love with you,’’ I said bored.

‘’Even you?’’ he asked batting his lashes at me.

He was so irritating. ‘’no not me,’’ I said rolling my eyes at him.

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