Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The week went by fast, I was lounging on my bed on a Friday evening reading, and thankfully my bruises were fading. You could still see it but it wasn’t as red and swollen as before. At first, you could see it swelling and the scarlet colour on it, you could also see the black purple bruises that littered my wrists, there were also half-moon shaped nail marks cut in the skin, some of them even drew blood. But now, the swelling had stopped, the red colour had turned to a light pink, and the bruises were turning light purple and some even yellow. The nail marks hardened and had that annoying bit of skin on top which i always itched to peel off.

‘’Ellie!’ I heard Amelia’s voice shout up.

‘’What?’’ I shouted back down as I put down my book.

‘’Can you come help with supper please?’’ she asked.

‘’Ok, give me a second,’’ I shouted back down.

I put a bookmark on the page I was reading, tied my hair in a messy bun then changed out of my jeans and blouse, I put on a bright pink baggy t-shirt that went all the way to mid-thigh then a pair of grey sweatpants. I went into the kitchen and started washing my hands as Amelia was searching through the fridge.

‘’Thanks honey,’’ she said as she poked her head out when she heard the tap noises.

‘’No problem,’’ I said drying my hands. ‘’What’s the occasion?’’ I asked eyeing the huge bags of ingredients set on the counter.

‘’Oh nothing, it’s just that the Walker’s are coming,’’ she said as she took out even more ingredients.

‘’Sweet, I like them a lot,’’ I said as I started unwrapping the food. ‘’What are we making?’’

‘’Vegetable stir fry, beef lasagna,  chicken casserole, grilled salmon, and chocolate lava cake for dessert.’’ She said while shooting around the kitchen getting things here and there. ‘’The recipes and instructions are all there,’’ she said pointing to some papers which had different methods and names written on it,’’

‘’Whoah can we even get all that cooked so soon?’’ I asked looking at the clock which said 6.

‘’Don’t think so, I called Kyana down to help as well, you can start on the vegetable stir fry,’’ she said pointing to some vegetables lying in a pile.

‘’Sure,’’ I said as I rolled up my sleeves and started peeling and chopping.

Halfway through my chopping Kyana came down looking somewhat disturbed.

‘’Did you have to call me?’’ she asked irritated as she washed her hands. ‘’Xavier’s here,’’ she said narrowing her eyes.

‘’I’m sorry hun, but I really need help around here,’’ Amelia said as she worked on her lasagna. ‘’He can stay for dinner too and I can officially meet him,’’ Amelia beamed.

‘’yeah yeah whatever,’ Kyana said rolling her eyes as she started on the chicken casserole.

‘’Who’s Xavier?’’ I asked.

‘’Boyfriend,’’ Amelia replied.

‘’Met him on the first day, he’s a total sweetheart,’’ Kyana said smiling dreamily while still seasoning the chicken.

‘’yes, and we haven’t met him yet,’’ Amelia said her eyes twinkling.

‘’Well you’re going to tonight,’’ Kyana said.

‘’Hopefully the crowd doesn’t scare him away,’’ Amelia said.

‘’Ditto, he’s a single child,’’ Kyana replied.

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