Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


‘’I dare you to stand up and shout ‘’I gotta go take a shit,’’ then run out’’ Ethan said with a knowing smirk.

‘’no way! Are you out of your mind?’’ I asked eyeing him.

‘’well I did what you told me to do,’’ he grinned.

I spluttered with laughter. We were playing truth or dare in the restaurant we were eating in, I had made Ethan call a waitress who had been ogling him the whole night, and ask her for a glass of water. And when she came back she would tip the water all over her and see her reaction.

Her reaction was hilarious, when he accidentally on purpose knocked the water all over her; she screamed in shock and threw the glass down as if it was a cockroach.

‘’oh I’m so sorry,’’ Ethan apologized with grace while I on the other hand was having trouble inhaling.

‘’penny, honestly, no need for such a big reaction,’’ a man in a suit said.

Then he turned back to us, apologized and got us a new glass of water. The girl stopped ogling Ethan after that, in fact she shot him a terrorizing glare. I had videoed it and we had spent the past 10 minutes laughing.

‘’go on, don’t be a wuss, do it,’’ Ethan said nudging me.

‘’what do I do after I come out of the toilet?’’ I asked

‘’you announce that you’re done and that you’re feeling all good,’’ Ethan smirked.

I banged my head on the table. ‘’give me the script,’’ I said sarcastically.

‘’I gotta take a shit, then, all done ahh I’m relieved,’’ he said smirking.

‘’and I suppose your videoing this as well?’’ I asked as I sank lower into the chair

‘’of course, he said smirking.

‘’damn you, ’I muttered. ‘’here goes,’’

I stood up abruptly, knocking over the chair and making the table bang loudly. That wasn’t even part of the dare, but I had already attracted half of the customers in the store. I winced at the noise and pain as Ethan caught it all on tape and couldn’t stop chortling.

‘’I GOTTA GO TAKE A SHIT!’’ I screamed as loud as possible before running off into the toilet.

I could see people’s amused, shocked, angry faces as I whizzed past them. After running into the ladies toilets I collapsed against the wall as my face burned with embarrassment. After counting for a minute or so, I took a deep breath then opened the door with a loud bang.

‘’ALL DONE, AAHH I’M RELIEVED,’’ I quoted word for word from Ethan’s script.

Then I strutted over back to our table as people continued staring at me and whispering.

‘’girl you’ve got toilet paper on your shoes,’’ a young man hooted.

I looked down at my foot and sure enough there was a trail of paper on it.

Groaning I took it off then kicked it into a corner. Ethan by this point was laughing so hard no noise was coming from his mouth, but he still managed to hold the camera pretty straight. I sat down and people continued staring at me

‘’I’m done, go on with your lives,’’ I said waving my hand in the air gesturing for them to continue.

One by one the customers turned their heads as the manager looked highly annoyed and penny looked like she was on the edge of exploding.

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