Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

The next morning I woke up to a really really good smell, I was lying on something hard and something heavy was draped across my shoulder. Groaning I tried to get up but the arm was too heavy to be moved, and then when I shifted my head I realized I was literally on top of Blake with his arms encircled around my shoulders. Giving a small scream I jumped up pushing his arm away.

‘’Jesus what is it?’’ he asked wiping the grogginess from his eyes.

‘’nothing,’’ I mumbled as I scooted over on my side.

He looked at my neat night bag and his half opened one then smirked.

‘’did you miss me Ellie?’’ he asked with a smirk.

‘’’Shut up,’’ I moaned as I pushed his face away with my hands.

‘’I’m flattered, really,’’ he said with an evil smile.

‘’shut up, this doesn’t leave this tent,’’ I said pointing at him with a fierce finger.

‘’sure sure sure,’ he said in a voice that made me doubt him.

‘’promise me,’’ I said raising my pinky finger. I would die of embarrassment if anybody found out.

‘’how old are you? Five? Pinky promises?’’ he sniggered.

‘’shut up, I believe in them,’’ I defended with a slight flush on my cheeks.

‘’sure,’’ he said hooking his pinky with mine. His hands were much bigger than mine, so his very large finger circled around my thin small ones.

‘’ok I’m going to shower now,’’ I said grabbing my clothes and toiletries.

‘’be quick, we’re on breakfast duty,’’ he called after me as I stepped out.

‘’oh goddammit,’’ I groaned.

After taking a world record shower I went back into our tent, after putting away my stuff I walked out in my black tank top and denim shorts with my damp hair twisted in a tight bun.

‘’morning,’’ I greeted my group as we started ripping open the cereal packets and cans of milk.

‘’morning,’’ they replied smiling.

After emptying all the cereal packets and milk and placing all the neat bowls in a straight line we called our fellow teacher and friends for breakfast, after gulping down my breakfast I quickly washed the bowl then went to wait by the road because we were going to an orphanage today! I loved little children,

When we arrived at the local orphanage the children were so small and cute I couldn’t help but squeal.

‘’we’re going to be painting the orphanage today with all the little kids, try to make it as fun as possible while keeping it neat,’’ the teacher instructed as she paired us up with a kid we had to take  care that day.

I had a really cute little boy, he was one of the very few dark skinned ones and for the record I found dark skinned kids exceptionally cute.

‘Hi I’m Ellie,’’ I said smiling brightly.

He returned a smile but the middle two teeth were gone. ‘’hello!’’ he said with a slight lisp. ‘’I’m Leroy, but everybody just calls me Roy,’’ he said smiling.

‘’well nice to meet you Roy, how old are you?’’ I asked, he was so damn cute.

‘’I just turned four,’ he said holding up four little fingers.

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