Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

‘’come on, please please pleeaaaassee!’’ I begged.

‘’no can do,’’ Blake smirked as he lounged on his bed reading a cartoon upside down.

‘’but I don’t want to go on my own,’’ I protested.

‘’its five minutes away angel, I’m sure you can go there on your own,’’ Blake said with a friendly eye roll.

I really wanted to make a milkshake, I had weird cravings at random moments of the day but we had run out of milk. The grocery store was 5 minutes away, and getting milk would take us less than a minute or two but I didn’t want to go on my own.

‘’it’s your milkshake after all,’’ Blake smirked.

‘’but you’re drinking some too!’’ I said.

‘’so? I don’t have a weird craving for it like you do,’’ he grinned.

‘’fine I’ll go on my own, you’re a really shitty boyfriend, ’I joked.

He bolted up and wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer.

‘’what was that?’’ he asked.

‘’I said you’re a shitty boyfriend for not even going to the grocery store with me,’’ I said as I tapped his nose.

Honestly I didn’t really care, it was just the grocery store and I wasn’t the clingy kind, I trusted Blake and he trusted me so that’s all that mattered. I just didn’t like being alone.

‘’I don’t like being alone,’’ I mumbled.

‘’aaww angel,’’ he crooned,

I could feel him weakening. But then I started to feel bad, he had just come home after basketball practice and judging by his face it must’ve been exhausting.

‘’but its ok, you look knackered,’’ I said smiling.

‘You sure baby?’’ he asked looking straight into my eyes.

‘’it’s ok’’ I said honestly. ‘’but you’re not getting any of my milkshake,’’ I said winking.

‘’oo I see what you did there!’’ he smirked.

‘’yup, now adios, I’ll be back and I’ll sip MY milkshake in front of you and make YOU jealous,’’ I winked.

I kissed my palm then blew the kiss to him. He caught it and put it close to his heart.

‘’love you angel,’’ he said smiling.

‘’love you too Blakey boy, ’I winked.

Then I grabbed my wallet and went out.

It was about 5:30, the sky was beautiful pinkish orange colour, the wind blew gently and I felt relaxed and calm. After buying my milk I started my way home, I stopped at the side of the road and simply stared at the sky, the streaks and puffs of cloud was enchanting. The world was so beautiful.

Suddenly a hand clamped down on my mouth. My eyes widened in fright. The hand wasn’t warm and soft like Blake’s; it was a lot rougher. I thrashed as three pairs of hands threw me into a car then zoomed off.

I tried to get up but somebody had kept a firm grasp on hands. Another one tied a piece of fabric over my eyes and one of them was driving the car and speeding down the road in full speed. I tried to scream but I couldn’t since there was hand clamped on my mouth, so I stuck my tongue out and licked putting slobber all over his hand. But much to my dismay, he didn’t let go.

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