Chapter 3

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Enjoy :))


Chapter 3

As I pushed open the cafeteria door I was hit by a wave of spaghetti bolognaise smell.

‘’I smell spaghetti!’’ He cheered.

‘’yup,’’ I said grinning at him.

We hopped in line and grabbed a tray. Just then the head cheerleader walked by me. Marissa tossed her blonde ponytail as she strutted in her cheerleader uniform. She eyed me up and down but then saw Blake next to me. Her glare turned into a sweet smile as she strode over and cut in line.

‘’Hi!’’ she said smiling an Oscar winning smile.

‘’Hey,’’ Blake smiled back politely.

‘’I’m Marissa,’’ She said flashing him a toothy grin.

‘’Blake,’’ He smiled back.

‘’Do you want to join us for lunch?’’ She asked sweetly.

She pointed to a table filled with jocks and cheerleaders.

‘’Well, it looks pretty full,’’ Blake said.

‘’We can always make space for you,’’ she winked casually.

‘’nah, I’m actually eating with Ellie,’’ he said putting his hand on my shoulder.

 I tensed. Bad move! He shouldn’t have said that. Now Marissa’s going to hate me even more.

‘’I see,’’ she said narrowing her eyes, her mask slipping for a second.

But then a smile spread through her face once more.

‘’Well there’s always tomorrow right?’’ she insisted.

‘’yeah, I suppose,’’ Blake said uncomfortably as he scratched his head.

‘’Ok I’ll see you tomorrow then,’’ she said waving at him, and then she shot me a disgusted look before walking back to her friends. 

‘’Please keep me away from her,’’ Blake begged as soon as she was out of earshot.

I couldn’t help but burst into giggles.

‘’I’m staying away from her, you find someone else to keep her away,’’ I sniggered playfully.

‘’aaww please?’’ he begged as he pulled a puppy face.

‘’no way in hell,’’ I teased, as we began piling food on our trays.

After paying we made our way to the normal table, Grace was already there eating her spaghetti, when she saw me she waved. But her face creased with confusion as she saw Blake behind me. We sat down and Grace had the grace to smile at him kindly before turning to be questioningly.

‘’This is Blake, he’s new here. And he’s been following me like a lost puppy,’’ I smiled teasingly.

‘’yes I’m Blake, and I’m new here, but no, I so do not follow her like a lost puppy,’’ Blake said charmingly as he ate his spaghetti.

‘’Oh he so does,’’ I said laughing.

Grace was grinning as she saw us bickering playfully.

‘’I just sit next to her, and I like annoying her, and the only way I can annoy her is by being with her,’’ Blake explained.

‘’Gee thanks,’’ I muttered pretending to be angry.

‘’Oh get over yourself Evans, you haven’t even introduced me to your new friend,’’ Blake said gesturing to Grace.

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