Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

‘’So how does it feel to live permanently with us?’’ Blake asked cockily as we sat in his bedroom.

‘’normal but awesome,’’ I said smiling.

‘’it feels good to know what you’ll never get hurt or taken away,’’ Blake said grinning.

I grinned back but Kyle just shot me a look.

‘’never get hurt…’’ Kyle said dragging out the sentence.

‘’what? I won’t,’’ I said glaring at him telling him to shut up.

‘’yeah bro, stop being so paranoid,’’ Blake chuckled.

‘’so, have you seen that movie when….’’ Kyle started.

But my brain blanked out. Everything and everybody was just a haze around me. As grateful I was for the Stone’s, I was still conflicted. In the end my father had admitted to being guilty, so there was no need for evidence or anything, and I could just live with the Stone’s after some paper signing.

Him admitting his faults just made me feel even worse. He had been a good father in a many ways, I feel like such a horrible person. I didn’t even have the guts to face him in court; I wanted to take everything back and just drag him out of jail and tell everybody I was lying, but of course, that would be a lie.

‘’hello? Hello? Earth to Ellie,’’ Blake said flapping a hand in my face.

I blinked twice then smiled. ‘’what?’’

‘’you’ve been zoning out for a few minutes, we kept on calling you but you didn’t even hear us,’’ Kyle said with a smirk.

‘’I think I’m just going crazy,’’ I said smiling. ‘’I’ll go to bed now,’’ I said waving then going into my own room and shutting the door.

After changing into my bank top and sweatpants I climbed into bed. I could still hear the two boys talking, Kyle was staying over for the night, they wanted me to join them, but I wasn’t in the mood. I usually would, but not tonight. I still feel like I betrayed my dad for some reason.

After a few more hours, they had quietened down but I still couldn’t sleep. Tears dripped freely as I remembered the cheerful loving father, and now he was locked up in jail, all because of me. I buried my head in the pillows and cried.

A soft breeze blew through the windows; the curtains flew back showing me the inviting tree house. It seemed to be waving me in. So I climbed through the window and hopped into the tree house easily, swinging myself into the warm cabin. I sat on the edge, leaving my legs dangling on the side as the breeze combed through my hair. I tilted my damp face into the air letting it cool off, after a few minutes I heard some noises below me. It was Kyle climbing up.

‘’hey you alright?’’ he asked as he sat down next to me.

‘’yeah,’’ I said smiling. Of course I wasn’t, but I was better.

‘’don’t lie, don’t you think lying to Blake is bad enough?’’ he asked quietly.

I couldn’t help but wince at his harshness.

‘’sorry that was harsh, but really, there’s no point in lying to me. I don’t know about Blake, but I can see when you’re ok and when you’re not,’’ he said looking at me straight in the eye. I blinked and slunk back.

‘’I just feel bad for putting my dad in jail,’’ I confessed as I swung my legs freely.

‘’but why? He wasn’t the best man,’’ he stated.

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