Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

After dinner was finished, everybody set off and did their own thing. Xavier and Kyana went back to her room and Ky drove MIkaela home as she had a competition the next day. Jake and Meghan played in his room, the adults were chatting in the dining room so that left Blake, Kyle and me. We decided to go out in the backyard even though it was getting pretty chilly. Once we stepped out Kyle wasted no time.

‘Now tell me what that all he did that she did that haa hoo was about,’’ Kyle said as we all spread out on the backyard.

Blake and I both fell silent.

‘’ÇCome on guys,’’ Kyle said sighing.

‘’She just talked to a guy at try-outs,’’ Blake said simply. It seemed like he was giving me the choice of telling him whether I cried or not, I was happy he did that. Finally, he’s learning something.

‘’And?’’ Kyle said sensing that it wasn’t the end.

‘’And when he left I cried and I didn’t tell Blake why and till this day he is still holding that grudge even though I find nothing wrong with keeping a little something to myself,’’ I said emotionlessly.

‘’oh,’’ Kyle said. We all fell into a silence not knowing what to say anymore.

‘’Sooooooo,’’ Kyle said stretching. ‘’This awkward silence is killing me, so I’m going to go get a drink,’’ He said standing up.

‘’Don’t you dare leave me here,’’ I glared at him. Don’t you dare leave me with him. I begged at him with my eyes. He seemed to understand me but he turned his head and gestured for me to get up.

‘’Well by all means come with me and we’ll bring Blakey a drink,’’ Kyle smirked.

‘”DOn’t call me that,’’ Blake growled.

‘’Just teasing, no need to get your knickers twisted. Come on Ellie,’’ he said as I got up. We made our way inside. ‘’Hot chocolate?’’ I said as we started taking out cocoa.

‘’Totally,’Kyle agreed. ‘’Look, just give him a break. He’s insecure with girls and had an issue in the past. So he finds it suspicious when a girl keeps something from him, especially a girl that he cares about’’, Kyle said looking straight in my eye.

I gulped uncertainly. ‘’He doesn’t care about me,’’ I managed to choke out lamely.

‘’Puh-lease,’’ Kyle said rolling his eyes. ‘’Anyways my point being, just let him cool off for a while, he had issues,’’

‘’I gave him 4 whole days for him to cool down,’’ I argued as I started making my hot chocolate.

‘Then give him a few more,’’ Kyle said rolling his eyes. ‘’He’ll get over it one day,’’

‘’You don’t want to know why he made me cry?’’ I asked shocked, he must be the first guy.

‘’Of course I do,’’ he said. Ok nevermind.

‘’I just don’t pry,’’ he said throwing me a smirk.

‘’Whatever,’’ I said suppressing a smile. ‘’now pass me the milk,’’ I said gesturing to the bottle that was on his side.

‘’Go get it yourself lazy,’’ he said as he tipped cocoa in the pot.

I rolled my eyes and reached over him to get the milk, as I did that the sleeves on my shirt rode up, it revealed the healing bruises which littered over my wrists. I quickly pulled back deciding to walk over to get it instead, but it was too late. Kyle already saw it.

‘’What the fuck is that?’’ he demanded.

‘’Nothing,’’ I said defensively.

‘’Don’t give me that nothing bullshit.’’ He said quietly. It scared me a little. One moment we were joking around now he was pissed.

‘’Was that what you were crying about? Was that why you didn’t tell Blake? Is that what your ex boyfriend did?’’ he asked fiercely. Well someone got everything figured out.

‘’It’s nothing,’’ I said again as I turned away from him. He grabbed my shoulders which made me yelp. I couldn’t help but relive past memories of my dad doing the same to me then beating me to the ground.

‘’Don’t,’’ I whispered as I waited for the blow.

‘’Don’t what?’’ Kyle asked confused for a second.

Oh right, he was Kyle. Not your dad, calm down.

‘’Don’t touch me,’’ I managed to whisper as my heart raced.

He let go of my shoulders but refused to let me turn away from him.

‘’Look at me,’’ he said softly. I stared at the ground refusing to look up at him as I felt the familiar tears build in my eyes.

‘’Look,’’ he said softly. I still refused as I tried to blink the tears away as fast as possible.

He tilted my chin up gently with a finger and I came face to face with him.

‘’Just look me in the eye and tell me if he did it or not. If he didn’t I’ll drop the matter,’’ he said.

I looked at him, I didn’t have it in me to lie to him but I didn’t want to tell him the truth either. I rolled my lips in my mouth trying to keep myself from crying as the pain and memories flashed back in my head. He studied my expression for a moment then pulled me in a tight embrace. My arms hung limply by my side as he hugged me tight. I sniffed a little and a tear rolled down my face. When he pulled away he caught the tear and wiped it away.

‘’Now I know that your shoulder’s don’t shake when your crying so you can’t pull that stunt on me again,’’ he whispered jokingly as he still remained eye contact with me.

I couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle.

‘’Please don’t tell Blake, he’s going to kill me,’’ I begged desperately.

‘’Ellie,’’ Kyle started tiredly. ‘’He’s my best mate, I have to tell him,’’

‘’no you don’t,’’ I begged. ‘’please don’t. you don’t have to. Please Kyle, please,’’ I begged. I didn’t want him getting upset with me or him or anybody.

‘’I don’t know, I mean it’s quite a big issue and I don’t come to your school so I can’t deal with him,’’ Kyle said running his fingers through his hair.

‘’That’s exactly why you shouldn’t tell him. Hes going to beat him up and he’ll get suspended and that’ll make Amelia upset. He doesn’t deserve it and I’ll be really upset, please Kyle don’t tell him,’’ I pleaded.

‘’Fine,’’ Kyle sighed. ‘’but I’m not keeping it from him too long, you’re going to have to tell him soon,’’ he reasoned.

That was good enough for me. ‘’Thank you thank you thank yoU!’’ I said as I pulled him in a light hug.

We made our way back out, Blake didn’t seem to notice I had cried which was good, we finished the drinks in silence, after Kyle left we went back to our respective rooms and I couldn’t help but feel thankful that I had Kyle to lean on. 

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