Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

For the rest of the trip it had been plain awkward, he didn’t ignore me or go all depressing, he still spoke to me and laughed, we seemed fine in everyone’s eyes but I knew deep down it wasn’t right. When he spoke to me he looked at me, but he never really looked at me, his eyes always flickered to something else, he never gave me the playful shoves or hugs he kept his hands firmly to himself and we didn’t even brush by each other.

As much as it shocked me to say this, I’d prefer his annoyingness and smirking and arrogance compared to this polite avoiding touching dude. It just wasn’t normal or right, it just felt weird. The plane ride was weird, going home was weird, arriving at home was weird, and the rest of the holiday was most certainly weird weird weird and weirder.

The first day of school was just plain awkward, when he drove me the car ride was painfully silent; I fiddled with his radio just to keep the noise level up. When we got out it was still painfully silent, we headed to our lockers together occasionally waving to our friends, after getting our books he leaned on the locker waiting for me. When I finally shut my locker we started to class then suddenly a very familiar blonde hair and stance struck me. I gasped excitedly.

‘’KYLE?’’ I shrieked in glee and surprise.

He spun around and shot me a smirk. ‘’I transferred here, glad?’’ he asked.

He had already attracted a huge girl and boy fan base, big, but not as big as Blake, Blake was still the golden boy.

‘’Hey man I didn’t realize it,’’ Blake grinned.

‘’Wanted to surprise you both,’’ Kyle explained.

Girls were now fawning and drooling over the two guys.

‘’What I don’t get a welcome hug or kiss?’’ Kyle asked faking sadness.

I quickly dropped my books and attacked him with a huge hug so forcefully big that it knocked him a few steps back.

‘’Now that’s what I call a greeting,’’ he joked as he wrapped his arms around mine as well.

‘’The school year’s gonna be so awesome with you,’’ I squealed.

‘’Well duh.’’ Kyle said rolling his eyes his ego huge as always. ‘’And I plan on joining the basketball team as well,’’

‘’Awesome, you should, you’re good,’’ I said nodding. I had never seen him but him and Blake were pretty much similar so I knew that he couldn’t be that bad.

‘’You’ve never seen me play but thank you for trusting my ninja skills, ‘he said tapping my nose. I winked and shrugged.

‘’’Gimme your timetable, I will shoot if we don’t have the same classes,’’ I said as I reached for his timetable.

I scanned it through and beamed, we were in quite a lot of classes together, more than being with Blake anyways.

‘’Similar classes?’’ Kyle smirked seeing the joy on my face.

‘’Yep,’’ I said handing his timetable back and picking up my books from the floor.

‘’Come on, we’ve got registration!’’ I said flapping him to the door.

‘’Bye man catch you later,’’ Kyle said to Blake then waved to the rest of the boys and girls.

‘’Seeya,’’ I said before grabbing Kyle’s arm and dragged him down the hall happily.

‘’So what’s up with you and Blake?’’ he asked after settling down and after all the girls had stopped swooning.

‘’Nothing, why’d you ask?’’ I asked trying to keep my voice normal.

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