Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

For the remaining days before we were packing up to go to Utah we all had to go and do some shopping, we lacked a lot of skiing equipment and even though it was tiring I still enjoyed the whole thing because I loved messing around with my new family, everything seemed right and Amelia and George just laughed our attitude off. After getting Ethan from the airport and shopping we arrived home, we flopped down in front of the tv watching Christmas commercials not really feeling up to anything else.

‘’Ellie can I speak to you for a moment?’’ Amelia asked.

I turned to Blake with a confused look but his expression mirrored mine, guess he didn’t know what was going on either. I shrugged and followed Amelia out into the hallway.

‘’What’s wrong?’I asked when I saw her worried expression.

‘’Darling, I don’t want to spoil your mood or anything but you do realize your dad…’’ she started, then she broke off biting her lip worriedly.

Suddenly the whole Christmas mood disappeared; I stared into her concerned eyes and realized how ignorant I was being. I had completely forgotten about my father, my own father, yes he beat me up and said terrible things but I couldn’t leave him alone during Christmas. I would be a horrible daughter.

‘’You don’t have to go see him’’ Amelia said quickly once she noticed my expression. ‘’You can just give him a call, ask how he’s doing, tell him you’re going to Utah,’’ she explained.

‘’yeah I think I’ll do that,’’ I said nibbling my lip still not feeling very up to seeing him just yet. Even though the stitches had been taken out and it was healing I still couldn’t shake the fact that he had beaten me that bad. Sure, he had punches here and there and even a very traumatized experience that I don’t dare tell anyone, but he never made me bleed so badly that I fell unconscious.

‘’I think I’ll give him a ring now,’’ I said making up my mind. Better get it done and out of the way now instead of doing it closer and ruining my mood when going to Utah.

‘’I’m sorry for bringing him up now honey, but I just think it’ll be best for both of you,’’ she explained quietly.

‘’I understand,’’ I said as I fished my phone out of my pockets.

She left and shut the hallway door behind her. I was left in the dimly lit corridors, after rubbing the side of my phone against my phone for a few moments I finally struck up the courage and dialled dad. It rang once, twice, thrice, fourth, fifth, ‘’Paul Evans, I’m currently unavailable, if you could leave a message that would be great,’’ I sighed and cleared the call.

After fiddling with my phone for a few minutes I plucked up the courage and pressed his number again,  I held the phone against my ears but it still went to voicemail, after taking a deep breath I cleared my throat ‘’Hey dad, it’s me Ellie. I just wanted to let you know that I’m safe and happy and that I’ll be leaving to Utah for a week or so. Umm…merry Christmas dad, I’ll…see you soon,’’ I hesitated then I finally added. ‘’i…I love you,’’ then I ended the call.

In a way I was glad that he didn’t pick up because he might stop me from leaving to Utah, but in a way I was disappointed, was he out drinking himself senseless? Holding another party? Making out with a lady? Those images all flashed through my head, each one cutting deeper into my heart. I flinched at the thought of him replacing mom. I let out a frustrated groan and slammed my hand on the wall. Then after composing myself I walked back out, the family must’ve heard my groan but they made no sign of acting like they heard me which I was glad for, it was pretty embarrassing. Blake shot me a questioning glance and I shook my head as if to say ‘’not now’’.

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