Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

‘’you, Ms Hemmington have better tell me everything, do you have any idea how worried I was about you?’’ I screeched as I strided over to where Grace was standing flirting with Elliot.

‘’Well uh yeah sure sorry about that,’’ she said sheepishly as red tinged her face.

‘’Well?’’ I said flapping my arms in annoyance as I finally dragged her into a deserted corner of the campsite.

‘’I like Elliot and I think we might be dating,’’ she said biting her lip while curling it into a smile.

‘’And therefore you snuck into his tent at the middle of the night without even telling your best friend? I mean going out with him is one thing but leaving me in there by myself was totally another thing,’’ I said crossing my arms pretending to be angry, but really it was just all too amusing.

‘’I know I’m sorry,’’ she said sincerely.

‘’well you better be because I was so scared I was gonna wet myself,’’ I said exaggerating.

She giggled then turned serious again. ‘’I really do like him and for once he feels the same as well,’’

‘’that’s great, I’m really happy for you,’’ I said as I draped my arms around her, she returned the hug then after a while I broke away.

‘’you’re coming back tonight with me right?’’ I asked.

‘’oh yeah um sure,’’ she said but anybody could tell she didn’t like it.

‘’you know what? It’s ok, you go sleep with Elliot,’ I said grinning.

‘’really?’’ her eyes brightened. ‘’what about you?’’

‘’let’s just say a certain Mr Stone will keep me occupied,’’ I said thinking of Blake.

She gasped. ‘’Are you keeping something from me as well Miss Evans?’’ she asked with a sly smile.

‘’oh god no!’’ I said as my eyes widened at what I had just unconsciously said. ‘’I didn’t mean it that way, I meant it as a friends way,’’ I said desperately.

‘’sure you did,’’ she said in a tone which said she really didn’t believe me at all.

‘’no really Grace, we’re strictly friends,’’ I said almost pleading her.

‘’keep telling yourself that,’’ Grace sang as she walked away with a confident bounce in her step.

I groaned into my hands then went back to the main area to get some breakfast.

After finishing we were doing water sports today! After breakfast I changed into my one piece swimming costume and twirled my hair up in a tight bun I walked out to the beach where we were supposed to wait, there were already quite a few groups of people there, all the girls were in swimming costumes, some even in bikinis which made me turn my nose because honestly who wears bikinis on a school trip with teachers and while you’re doing exercises that require something a bit more than a flimsy bit of cloth? The guys were wearing their swimming trunks and thank god none of them had tight ones on.

‘’hey gurl,’’ Kyle cooed sarcastically.

‘’hey,’’ I replied as I stepped into our friends group

’’aaww why you wearing one piece? I thought I’d get to see you in a tight little bikini today,’’ Kyle sighed. I slapped him hard across the cheek.

‘’don’t,’’I said seriously, but I was unable to keep the teasing smirk off my face.

‘’you still look great though,’’ he smiled as he looked me up and down. I shoved him harshly.

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