Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

After changing into my pyjamas I dried my hair on the bed while trying to erase all the nasty heartbroken feelings.

‘’hey,’’ a soft voice said. I raised my head and met Blake’s face.

‘’hey,’’ I replied bracing myself for whatever bittersweet information he had for me.

‘’can I come in?’’ he asked.

‘’sure,’’ I said still drying my hair.

‘’so…’’ he started out awkwardly.

‘’’So,’’ I repeated.

‘’I broke up with Mandy,’’ he blurt out.

My first reaction was hell yea! But then my next one was curiosity and finally I settled on being the concerned friend that I have been and will ever be.

‘’aaww you ok?’’ I asked genuinely concerned.

‘’yeah I suppose, I broke it off with her anyway,’’ he sighed.

‘’why?’’ I asked gobsmacked.

‘’I realized I like someone else,’’ he said

‘’oh,’’ I said not knowing what else to say. Round two, ding ding, here we go. And this slut might not be as nice as Mandy.

‘’Mandy was really understanding though, she knew it before I did it,’’ he confessed looking sad.

‘’aaww that’s really smart and sweet of her,’’ I said nodding.

‘’yeah,’’ he agreed.

‘’so who’s that girl that’s stolen your heart?’’ I asked.

‘’you,’’ he said shooting me a shy smile.

My heart leapt and happiness filled my body, I felt like shouting it on the rooftops, telling everybody that the guy I love loved me back, I felt like I could kill a thousand beasts with my happiness and newfound confidence.

‘’stop trolling me,’’ was all I said.

‘’I’m not,’’ he said frowning slightly, ‘’I confess my secret and all I get is don’t troll me?’’ he asked

‘’yeah because I’m not stupid enough to fall for it,’’ I said pinching the bridge of my nose and turning away.

‘’just admit it back, you know you want to scream it back to me too,’’ he smirked as he drew his face closer to mine making my head draw back.

He lowered himself on my bed and I felt extremely awkward as we were both alone in my bedroom, on my bed, wearing our thin one piece pyjamas.

‘’you look cute when you’re flustered,’’ he said grinning.

‘’go away,’’ I said pushing him away.

‘’don’t say what your heart doesn’t want,’’ he said smirking.,

‘’’Whatever, I’ve had enough from you, leave,’’ I said trying to shoo him away, but in reality I was loving every single moment of this.

‘’if you say so,’’ he said slouching and turning away.

No, don’t go. I wanted to shout but of course I said nothing, I just watched him walk away from me. Just as he was about to open the door he came flying back by my side pining me down on my bed.

‘’how bout no,’’ he smirked.

I panted even though I did nothing, my heart was beating way too fast, my breathing came in short quick gasps and I could feel heat rising on my face.

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