Chapter 1

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I walk through the forest, seeing the flowers just starting to bloom. I slowly graze my fingertips over the long, dew covered grass. It was almost time for the war to begin in the Danis pack. A few rogues will come, but they can easily defend against that. I push my bag back up on my shoulder and start walking towards the sounds of cars. I may live in the woods, but I refuse to go to the bathroom in them. I reach the road and find a gas station across the street. Looking both ways first, I walk across. When I walk in, I go to the restroom and walk out.

When I get into the woods again, I stop dead in my tracks and space out. A scene plays across my vision and I watch. There was a riddle to go along with it.

The riddle said, "On the day of a full moon, a foreseer will meet another. They will live in harmony together and the older one will teach the younger one about the foreseers' ways."

When the riddle was done I saw a little kid and an adult dancing. They were the two foreseers that the riddle was talking about. The vision vanishes and I see the forest in front of me again. What could that mean? I start to pace back and forth. There can only be one foreseer on the earth at a time. My mother was one and she died when I was born. You see, foreseers can see the future and are sort of like the protectors of werewolves. You may be thinking, so are you a gypsy. In a way we are, but gypsies are for humans and honestly, have gone down hill from all the dilution of blood. They used to be very good, now it is more of a guess. We used to work together and even look very similar about a hundred years ago, but now we are totally different.

I love what I do and I especially love warning the other packs in plenty of time. The only part I am not looking forward to is having a mate. A lot of foreseers have had mates. I'm hoping since my mom didn't have one, or at least didn't find hers, that I won't either. I start walking, pondering about the riddle and how it could be possible. Did the fates finally just decide to have them together. If so, why didn't they decide this when I was born? I was left on the world with no idea what to do. I am so confused. As soon as I got close to a territory border, I heard a growl. I stand still for a second and just stare in the direction where the growl came from. A huge rustic colored wolf appeared. I stood my ground while he slowly approached me. He was still growling.

"Dude, cut that out. I just have to get to the other side of your territory to get to the Danis pack." He looks at me questionable and I just sigh in frustration. "Seriously, let me pass. You do not want to be on a foreseers bad side."

Realization hit him and he phased. I looked away real quick just in case he is not able to have his clothes on when he phases back.

"Foreseer, I am sorry for disrespecting you. Um... you can turn around. I have my clothes on." I turn around and see a man around six and a half feet, maybe seven. He is in his early twenties I believe, but who knows with him being a werewolf. He has blonde hair and green eyes. He was decently buff, but definitely wasn't very high in power.

"What's your name?"

"Micah. The only thing is miss, I informed my alpha about you and he demands to see you first before you pass on."

"I can't."

"Then he says you can't pass."

"Fine. I can only be a second though. I have very little time. A Rouge battle is about to start. I wanna be there incase something changes."

"Well, you're going to have to change plans because he is out right now and won't be home for at least a half an hour. Besides, no offense foreseer, but you stink. You will have to get cleaned up to see the alpha."

"Fine. He better be soon."

Micah shows me to the alpha's house and leads me to a door. He jingles the handle and finds it locked. Banging on the door he says, "Janet, get out. I need the bathroom."

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