Chapter 8

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I am dedicating this chapter to nikiukedude. The comments she posted really made my day. Thanks!

Tanner's POV

I slowly walk through the hallways until I find an office like room. Opening the door, everything seems scattered. Who ever was in here, left in a hurry.

I punch the wall beside me, making a good sized hole. He got away. I walk back to my mate's room and find her slightly awake. I go up to her and grab her hand. Not realizing I had blood on my hand, I quickly pull away. Not wanting her to be concerned. She still noticed it though. I should've controlled my anger and not of punched that wall.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just punched a wall."


"Because I was mad."

She sighs and looks up at me. I know what she is going to say so I shush her. She is going to tell me to control my anger.

"When can I get out of here?"

"As soon as you are stable."

"How long until then?"

I look at the doctor and he shrugs his shoulders trying to look back at the paperwork to figure it out.

"A day maybe."

She lets out a small groan and I sigh. Why so long?

"Is there any way we could get her stable enough to get her to the pack hospital and you can treat her there?"

"Maybe, but I don't know. It all depends on how much her body can handle."

I walked over to her and kissed her head.

"I'll do whatever I can to protect you" I whispered

Her eyes opened slowly, and she smiled at me.

"I have to pee" She whispered back.

I let out a small chuckle and help her slowly sit up, bringing her IV pole along with her.

"Doc, where's the nearest bathroom?"

He turns around and opens a door around the corner. Helping her stand, I slowly help her walk to the bathroom, walking in with her. I shut the door, and I notice her glaring at me.

"Get out."


"I'm going to the bathroom."


"Ugh. Fine. Then turn around."

I do as she says and she does her thing. She washes her hands and I turn around. She looks at me and I smile. I go to hug her, but she lets out a small groan of pain. I quickly let go.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay. How much pain are you in? Is it a 1 or a 10?"

She puts her lips to mine and I quickly respond, but before it goes farther, she pulls away.

"You need to stop worrying so much, okay? I'll tell you if anything is horrible."


Slowly walking her out, I make her sit back down on the table, since she refused to lay back down.

"How is she doing doc."

"She's okay. She's stable, but barely. If I would stop anything, she would start having those pains instantly."

"What about in an hour or so?"

"She may be able to last a little bit longer, but I really won't be able to tell until then."

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