Chapter 7

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Tanner's POV

I feel a searing pain in my abdomen and bend over from the intensity of it. I know in an instant it is Luna and I rally the troops. I don't care what she says. She is in pain and I am going to save her. We all run in a different direction while my best warrior and I go towards the door. He jerks the handle and I go in, slowly making my way towards the lower level.

My wolf has been on edge since they took her and he has been urging me to go in there the moment we saw the building. I start down the stairs when the pain starts in again, bending over in pain. Letting out a growl, I make my way down the stairs and run towards the scent of Luna. I find her laying on a lab table. Her hands and feet are bound and she is very pale. I start to take off her bindings from her hands and feet. I then Take out one IV. Someone comes in and I stand in front of Luna protectively.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Why not?"

"Those two IVs are the only things keeping her alive right now."

"What the hell!"

"Sorry. I am guessing you are her mate. I was ordered to sedate her. She then started to have an allergic reaction to it and I took it out, but the boss ordered me to put it back in."

"Why the hell did you do that?"

"Because if I didn't, he would have killed me."

"Well, now I am going to kill you for doing this to my mate!"

"I can understand why you would want to kill me, but at this moment I am the only person that knows how to keep her alive."

"Well, stabilize her."

He walks over to her and examines her IVs. "Well, you already pulled out the sedative." He then walks over to a table and grabs a few more things. He puts one more IV into her and then starts checking all his equipment. "It will be a little bit before we know, but this should stabilize her. She should wake up within half hour to an hour."

I let out a sigh and walk over to her, holding her tiny hand within mine. I smile as I notice her hand is almost half the size of mine. Either my hands are huge or her's are tiny. She will probably say that mine are just huge and then I will give up after a while of arguing with her, knowing it is no use. She scrunches up her face and goes into the fetal. I feel the pain in my abdomen again and I hunch over. That one hurt, but it wasn't as bad as the other times.

I stare at her and all of a sudden, her eyes slowly flutter open. "Doctor, she's awake."

"What? How is she awake already?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know? You're the doctor."

I feel her tighten her grip on my hand just a little and she smiles. "Tanner?"

"Hi Luna."

She goes to say something but goes into the fetal position again, letting out a small whimper. "Luna, are you okay?"

"What the hell do you think?"

"Well, I think you're feeling a bit better if you are able to cuss at me."

"Tanner, not funny."

"Sorry Luna. Doctor, what's going on?"

"Her body is trying to work through the sedative and get it out of her system. It may take a while with the amount he was having me put in her."

"Stella," I hear her whisper.

"What Luna?"

"Get Stella and the others."

"We are, we're getting them. You just worry about yourself right now."

She slowly nods and I kiss her forehead. I get a bit worried when I notice she is burning up. I have a feeling my wolf won't let her out of his sight for at least a month. I have a feeling she won't like that idea though. My beta came back in, notifying me that they had everyone out.

I am relieved for just a second until I hear a very loud beeping noise coming from one of the machines hooked up to Luna. I noticed that it was her heart monitor, and her line was almost flat.

"Doc, what's happening?"

"I don't know."

He quickly comes over and starts trying different things. Her line goes flat and he goes to the defibrillator. He does it the first time, and nothing. I start to worry and my wolf tries gaining control. I know he is truly trying to help though. He tries a second time and there is finally a slow steady beeping for her heart. I quickly hold her hand, feeling the warmth in them.

"Doc, can you possibly explain that?"

"No, I really can't. I have no idea what just happened."

"What do you mean you don't know what happened?"

"I just don't. I have never seen or heard of anything like this."

"Well, you better make sure it doesn't happen again." I can not lose my mate. My wolf would go insane. Heck, I would go insane. She starts to breath more steadily and I sigh a bit.

"Where is this so called boss you were talking about?"

"I am not sure. He was just in here about an hour ago though."

"Watch her and make sure to notify me if anything happens. Here is my number." I hand a piece of paper to him and then walk out of the room, determined to find the person idiot enough to mess with my mate.   

 Author's Note

I will definitely make the next chapter longer. Sorry for all the short ones.  If you liked this, please vote, comment, and share if you know of anyone who might like this book. I really like hearing back from all of you, so please comment. If you have any constructive criticism, please comment it or message me. What do you think is going to happen? What will Tanner do? 

Thank you so much for reading. Have a wonderful day/night,


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