Chapter 28

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Tanner's POV

I was currently following Ashton around. We were in the protected territory type thing, which means we were at least somewhat close to finding Luna. I knew what that asshole was doing for her punishment, even if she tried to hide it from me. I kept trying to communicate with her, but she had blocked that part off. She apparently didn't want to talk right now. She was letting me in though.

I found that she was pretty peaceful right now. She was eating popcorn. I had to chuckle at that and when I did, Ashton looked at me like I was crazy.

"What in the world are you laughing at Tanner?"

"She's having popcorn for breakfast."

He just stands there, and then he starts laughing. It wasn't just a small laugh either. It was a full blown, huddling over, stomach and sides hurting laugh. I laughed along with him. I couldn't help it. Even if I was mad at him still. His laugh is contagious.

"Dude, I told you you wouldn't judge Luna if she had popcorn for breakfast."

"Yeah, I know you did." I stand up straight and stop laughing. "Okay. We need to find Luna."


He starts walking again and he stops for a bit, looking around and trying to figure out which way to go next. He starts walking a bit to the left and I follow right behind him. He better find this place soon. I must have accidentally sent that through the pack link because I got a lot of response. Most of them were questioning why Ashton is still here. I just block them out. The other one was Ashton.

"I am trying. It isn't as easy as it looks. I can't use any of my usual senses."

"I know. I didn't mean to say that through the mind link. I am just worried about Luna."

"I know. I can feel it from here. You need to calm down."

"How can I calm down when your brother wants to mate with my mate."

He turns towards me and growls. I know he wasn't growling at me. He was growling at the fact that his brother would try that with his luna. He turns around and quickly, using the anger to fuel him, he goes on trying to figure out where the place is. I smiled a bit and followed him. He zigged and zagged a lot, trying to remember where he come from.

"We'll be there soon Luna. I just pissed off Ashton and he is now trying like a maniac to find the place." I just have to chuckle because you never know if you're going to like the response she is going to give you.

"What did you do? I mean, I don't mind the whole trying like a maniac to find me, but why did you piss him off?"

"I told him what his brother is trying to do. Let's just say that he didn't like the thought of his Luna going through that. Packs have very strong ties to their Luna and are very protective of her."

"Oh. Okay." She got really quiet after that and I started to get a bit worried. I knew she was okay because she hasn't blocked me out and I don't feel her being stressed. I guess I'll just have to calm down a bit. Being this nervous and everything is making it hard to concentrate and find her. I just need to admit that it is my wolf wanting to be close to her. Okay, it is both of us, but still. I need to concentrate.

Luna's POV

I am now sitting in Jack's room while he is out doing something. I was so bored and the netflix wasn't working at the moment. I lay down on the bed and groan. This was so boring. I decided to just look around. There had to be something to do. I walk around and go through his drawers and anything else. I could not find anything to do.

Just as I was about to just give up, Jack walks in the room with a smile on his face. He notices me with drawers still open.

"Looking for a shirt?"

I glare at him. He had taken Ryder's shirt from me right after I had gotten done eating.

"No. I was bored and netflix wasn't working."

He glares at me and then looks at the tv which has the netflix screen up saying that it was down. He growled in frustration. I guess that happy mood of his is gone now.  I try to keep my distance and make sure to never turn my back to him. He catches me by surprise though when he comes up and grabs my arm, crushing me against him. Looking down at me, I realize what he is about to do, so I look away.

Growling, he grabs my chin and forcefully makes me look at him, then crashes his lips to mine. I struggle against him and try to push away, but he growls and pulls me even closer to him. I could here Tanner growling in the back of my mind. I try harder to push away and he growls even louder. His hands go down to my waist and I can feel his claws start to dig into my sides.

He finally pulls back and pushes me towards the bathroom. I look back at him confused, but quickly run inside, shutting the door behind me.

"Don't be too long. If you are, I will be forced to join you in the shower."

I quickly undress and hop in, taking a quick shower and hoping out. I felt a bit better for being clean, but I was now fully aware of what he could do if he wanted to. I quickly look around and find that he had set some lingerie on the floor by the door. Sighing, I pick it up and change into it. Slowly going out, I see him lying on the bed with his eyes closed. I slowly approach the bed and try to not disturb him.

Getting into the bed, I try to lay way on the edge of the bed so I can be as far as possible from him. I would lay on the couch, but there is no couch. I feel his arm wrap around my waist and I jump up. He looks up at me with tired eyes and sighs.

"Lay down Luna."

"Um... I'm not really tired at the moment."

"Stop lying to me and lay down."

Stepping back a bit I make sure I won't be cornered. He notices this and sighs, getting up out of bed.

"Get in the bed now!"


"No buts. Lay down now!"

I knew I shouldn't make him mad so I slowly approach the bed and sit down on it. He smirks and lays down behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me down to lie beside him. This was going to be a very long night. 

Author's Note

Sorry this chapter isn't very long. I do not think it is that good either, but maybe it is to you. I really don't know. It is sort of just a filler. Sorry it took me a while to update too. I have just been really caught up with school. 

Please vote, comment, and share if you liked it. Feel free to give me constructive criticism. If you ever want me to try and write a story from a different genre that you think I'd be good at, please comment it or message me about it. Thanks for reading my book.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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