Chapter 29

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So sorry it took me so long to update! I hope you enjoy this chapter. It is a bit short, but it has a lot to it. At least in my opinion it does. Hope you like it.

I lay awake and just think about everything that has happened. Jack moves a bit, pulling me closer to him in the process. This was getting really frustrating. He was nothing like Tanner. I wanted Tanner right now.

"I'm sorry Luna. I am trying. Just to tell you though. When I get you back, I am not letting you out of my sight."

I chuckled a bit. "I figured."

"We are getting close. I caught onto your scent and we are following it now. It is messing us up here and there though the the weird thing around it. Do you know if they have a witch or someone with that type of power their."

"Not that I know of. Sorry."

"You're fine Lun. Be safe."

"I'll try."

He growls and I giggle a little. "You better be. Now you need to go to sleep as much as I hate you being asleep in in arms. You need you energy to stay safe."

"Night Tanner. Be safe."

I slowly try to fall asleep, but I just can't. He is way too close and I am practically sweating. I shove him away and he growls lowly.

"Go back to sleep."

"I haven't been asleep. You are practically on top of me and I am sweating. I am too hot to go to sleep."

He groans and rolls over to the other side of the bed, letting me breath. I kick off the comforter, but leave the thin sheet on, feeling already too vulnerable. I roll over to where I am almost on the edge of the bed. Now that I was finally at a comfortable temperature, I finally drift off to sleep.  

Tanner's POV

I felt her drift off to sleep and I couldn't help but growl in my head. She was asleep, in a bed with that guy. I hated it. Every time I caught on to her scent, the weird witchcraft type thing threw us off by mixing it up and confusing our senses. I swear, when I find this place, I am going to kill Jack and Ryker. Whoever I may find first will be the most unlucky person. Well, they will both be bad so I guess it doesn't matter who I run into first.

I catch her scent one last time, right when we are about to settle down. I tell Ashton and he follows behind me. We go a bit farther until I lose it again. Growling in frustration, I sit down on a decent sized rock. Right when I did so, I heard voices. Getting up, my wolf leaps with joy, knowing voices mean we must be close to Luna.

I go to head towards them, but Ashton stops me.

"Tanner, you can not just go in there guns blazing. You are tired and need your strength. We will go in early tomorrow morning before everyone is awake. Sleep for a couple hours and then we will go. I'll keep watch."

I growl in frustration, knowing he is right. Slowly laying down, I notice Ashton sitting on the rock.

"What about you getting sleep?"

"You need it more than I do. I have gotten more sleep then you here recently. I'm sure of it. Now get some sleep Tanner."

I nod and slowly drift off to sleep.

Luna's POV

Waking up to wet kisses on my neck, I jerk awake and practically fall off the bed. I probably would have too if Jack hadn't of caught me. I think I honestly would have rather fallen. I look up at him and he had a huge smirk on his face. I try to contact Tanner, but he is unusually quiet. Maybe he is sleeping.

I turn my full attention back to Jack, noticing that he is now on almost on top of me. Trying to squirm away from him, his smirk only grew. Trying to get to another subject or to get his mind off of whatever it is on, I ask him a question.

"What time is it?"

"Two in the morning."

"What! How dare you wake me up that early!"

"You woke me up a little bit ago. I was simply returning the favor. Besides, I couldn't go back to sleep and it was so tempting to wake you up like that. Speaking of, did you like it?"

Glaring at him, I say, "Hell no."

He growls lowly, his eyes darkening. "Don't lie to me sweetheart."

"Why would I?"

"I don't know. Why would you? Since you obviously just did."

"I did not lie."

"Stop lying." He growls out. He then gets a very mischievous smile. This worries me a lot. "I guess I will just have to punish you since you refuse to admit you were lying."

I squirm even more and try to get away from him. He smirks and pins my arms above my head with one arm. The other wraps around my waist and pulls me close to him. I almost throw up. This felt so wrong. He leans in close and I could feel his breath against my ear. I shiver from disgust, but of course he took it as I liked it.

"See. I knew you were lying."

I just roll my eyes, knowing fighting with him would only make this worse.

"No comment? Good girl. Maybe we are finally learning something. Hm?"

He kisses my neck and I jerk away, making him growl. He holds me tighter and kisses my neck again. I try to jerk away, but I couldn't. I was starting to freak out. He moves from my neck to my lips, and when I don't respond he growls even louder. I still don't respond and I started to feel his claws on my skin. This made me gasp and he sure took advantage of that.

I quickly turn my head so he could no longer kiss me. This doesn't seem to faze him though. He trails kisses down my neck and stops where Tanner would mark me. I squirm, but he only growls. Nipping at the spot on my neck, he growls.

"Stop squirming. The more you squirm, the worse off it will be."

He grazes his canines along my neck where Tanner would mark me. I start to panic and a scream leaves my lips. Grabbing my chin, he stops my screaming by kissing me even harder. I squirm and try to turn my head, but he only tightens his grip on my chin. He growls when I don't stop trying to get away from him. Finally, I bring my knee up just enough and nail him in the wrong spot.

He groans and loosens his grip. I push him off of me and run towards the door. I was about to open it when he crashes into me, closing the door. His body is so close to mine I can barely move. He was breathing heavily and I was trapped in between the door and him. I knew he was pissed and that I had just made the worst mistake in my life.   

Author's Note

Thank you so much for ready, and I am so sorry again for the long wait. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I would really like to hear your feedback. Please vote, comment, and share. 

Have a wonderful day/night,


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