Chapter 27

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Luna's POV

"Don't worry Luna. I am coming for you."

That is what brought me out of the darkness I found myself in. I kept trying to wake up, but nothing seemed to be working until I hear that. Until I heard his voice. I slowly open my eyes and notice I am in Jack's room again. I quickly jump up, ready for a fight, but what I find is a half awake Jack.

He sits up and rubs his eyes. He then looks up at me and smirks, looking me up and down. It was then that I realized I was only in my undergarments and my clothes were nowhere to be seen.  I glare at him and lunge for the blankets to cover myself up with, but he yanks them out of reach. It was then that I realized he was only in his boxers right now.

"Where are my clothes?"

"Not really sure right now. I am going to have them burned later though."

I glare at him and walk over to his closet and dresser. There was nothing in his closet and only one drawer was filled in his dresser. It was filled with lingerie. Looking over at him, he had a huge smirk across his face.

"My clothes are now in a different room. I figured you would try to wear one of my shirts."

"Give me my clothes back now!"

"No baby. Besides, I like this look for you."


"I told you I would enjoy giving you your punishment, and this is just the beginning."

I glare at him, but deep down, I was terrified at what the rest of my supposed punishment is going to be.

"Tanner, please hurry."

"I'm trying Luna. Hang in there. Don't make him mad. We are in the area, but we can't use our scent sense. Be careful Luna."

"I will be."

I look back at Jack and he still has that smirk on his face. I look between him and the bathroom, and I know I have enough time to make it in there, but Tanner said not to make him mad. Jack seemed to notice this and his smirk grew.

"I wouldn't even think about it. It is locked as of right now and I have a key so I can get in if you lock it again."

"I was just wondering if I can go to the restroom."


I glare at him, and now thinking about the bathroom actually had me needing to go. I haven't went since I got here. I started bouncing a bit and he noticed.

"I have to go really bad."


He unlocks it and I quickly run in, shutting the door. I do my business really quick and then wash my hands and walk back out. I really wanted to take a shower, but I don't think I want to with him right there. He locks the bathroom door back up and walks over to the bed.

Laying down, he looks up at me and pats the spot next to him. I just sort of stand there awkwardly and he sighs. He goes to get up, and I press myself against the wall. I don't know why, but out of all times my Foreseer senses were freaking me out. They were telling me to run and get away from him. I want to, but there is no way I can. I slowly slide down until my butt hits the ground.

He looks at me curiously and slowly approaches me. I try to back up more, but I couldn't anymore because of the wall. I felt so weird. In a way, it felt like what the boys described when their wolf took over. I didn't really have control over what I did. He squatted down in front of me and puts his hands on my cheek. That was enough to knock me out of my weird trance and I jumped back up.

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