Chapter 16

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Tanner's POV

It was so hard to walk away from her, but I knew she really didn't want me to mark her. She was just influenced by her heat. My wolf didn't want to hold back, but I knew she would probably be mad at me after her heat ended.

I decide to take a cold shower and then I changed. When I walked back down stairs, I found Luna asleep on the couch. I smile and slowly pick her up. She moves a bit and then wakes up, looking up at me.

"Go back to sleep Lun."

She smiles and slowly snuggles into my chest. My wolf starts to purr and she chuckles a bit, snuggling in more. I soon hear her breathing even out and look down at her, knowing she is asleep. She needs the sleep. I know she was trying to do everything, but she can't always do that. She does not have that much energy. No one does.

I slowly lay her down in bed, but hear the doorbell ring. I leave her there and run towards the door. I open it, finding Jack and Stella standing there.

"Um... sorry alpha. I was just wondering if Luna could watch Stella for a bit. I have to go and visit the in laws to explain everything."

"Yes. That is fine."

"Thank you." He hands me a bag and explains a few things, then leaves. Not before hugging Stella goodbye though. Stella looks up at me a bit and smiles. I smile down at her and look around. I have no idea what to do. I was never been good with kids.

"Um... are you hungry?"

She shakes her head no and I sigh. I hear someone coming down the stairs and look up to see Luna.

"What are you doing up?"

"I heard the door and Stella."

She smiles down at her and Stella goes running towards her. Luna leans down and picks her up, twirling her around. Stella then yawns.

"Are you tired?" Luna asks Stella. Stella nods. Luna then leads her upstairs I'm guessing to take a nap.

I sit down on the couch and my wolf finally makes and appearance after so long of nothing but urges. "Go to her."



"No. Give her some space. She needs a nap."

"She also wanted us to mark her but no. You didn't do that."

"She told me not to during this time. Don't you remember that?"

"Of course I do."

"Just shut up."

I the block him out. Of course now he decides to speak. She needs the sleep and space. He knows this. I slump back into the couch and decide to take a nap. Just as I did so, a knock came at the door. I groan and slowly get up. Opening the door, I notice Christine standing there.

My wolf wasn't to happy about this. Hell, neither was I. "What the hell do you want?"

"Um... sorry Alpha. I just wanted to apologize and see is Luna was alright."

I look down at her a bit shocked. She has never said any of this before unless she was trying for something. "Okay. Well, she is upstairs so if you wanted to talk to her you would have to come back later."

"Oh, well I was actually hoping to speak with you."

"Christine, I think you should leave."

"But Alpha, this is totally all business."

"Do you remember the last time you said that?"

She almost smiles at the thought. She said it was totally business and the next thing I know she shoves me into my office and makes out with me. I can't say I didn't enjoy it at the time, but that's in the past.

"I do remember that, but I promise it is just business this time."

I hesitantly agree. "Fine. I swear if it becomes more than just business though, I can not know what the consequences may be."


I lead her into my office, but leave the door open. I know her and know I may need an escape route. I am just now getting Luna on my side. I do not want to jeopardize that. Christine notices this and smirks. I let out a low growl and she instantly backs off. I sit down in my chair and she sits opposite of me.

"Okay. So, what is it you need to discuss."

"Well, it is about Luna."

"What about her?" I practically growl out.

"Well, she is the foreseer. No foreseer has ever been the mate to a alpha and so did not ever have the responsibilities of a Luna. It was brought to my attention when I was reading that we aren't supposed to tie down the foreseer. Therefore, she can technically not be the Luna of this pack. She may still be your mate though." She seemed to frown at the last part.

I just sat there in shock. That couldn't be. There was no way I was going to have someone other than my mate be the Luna of this pack. There had to be another way. I would let her go out and wouldn't restrict her on anything. I would do anything. I just can not have someone else be the Luna. Knowing the rules, it would probably be the highest ranking fighter, and that just happened to be Christine. There was no way in hell I was going to deal with that being this pack's Luna.


She quickly gets up and leaves. I decide to make a few calls and try to sort this out. I call up the council and a few other alphas. The council simply said I had to have a meeting about this and good reasons as to why I think this could happen. I called the other alphas to try and get them to back me up. So far I have Louis for sure and the others are maybes.

I get up and sigh. What am I going to do if they reject my plan? Slowly walking out of my office, I see Luna looking through the fridge while Stella is sitting in front of the TV watching the movie Luna was watching earlier.

I decide to scare Luna and I walk up behind her. I slowly put my mouth near her ears, trying my best not to breath, and then grab her by the waist and whisper in her ear, "Need some help?"

She jumps and I suddenly feel a shock go through my body, paralyzing me from shock for a second. I shake it off a bit and laugh. She turns around with wide eyes.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I didn't know it was you."

"It's fine. I'm fine."

"Good. How dare you try to scare me!"

I laugh and she tries to glare at me, but I can see a smile starting to appear. She turns around before I can fully see it and looks through the fridge again. Grabbing out some sliced honey ham and puts some on a plate. She hands it to Stella and Stella smiles.

"Thanks Lun."

"You're very welcome."

She comes back over to me and watches Stella. She looks up at me and I can tell she is still tired.

"Luna, go back to sleep. I can watch Stella."

"Nah. I'm okay. Really."

I nod, knowing she isn't, but I know she won't give in either.

Luna's POV

I smile a little, knowing he is concerned about me. I mean, I am tired, but not horribly. I really am fine. I try seeing what he is thinking, but he has me blocked out. I frown and wonder what was bothering him.   

Author's Note

Thank you so much for reading. What do you think about Christine? What do you think Tanner will do? Will he be able to have Luna be his Luna? Please vote and comment. 

Have a wonderful day/night,


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