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5 years later

Luna's POV

I sit up in bed with two kids in our bed. I laugh because I know May did not get out of the crib by herself. I know Jason had gotten her from the crib and brought her into our bed.

"Mommy, Mary wanted you guys up." Jason said, trying to act all innocent. I laughed a bit. Tanner sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes a bit. He then wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Oh really Jason? Was it really Mary?"

"I'm hungry." He then runs out of the room, heading towards Im guessing the kitchen. I laugh a bit and pick up our one year old, Mary. She is beautiful, with bright blue eyes and light blonde hair. You might think she is bold when you first see her, but she isn't. She is also a foreseer, and I am so happy about this. I am able to teach her things now that I struggled with before. She won't be alone.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my shoulder. I'm guessing she is still tired.

"He is so your son." Tanner commented.

"Excuse me?"

"He woke us up and his little sister just because he was hungry."

"So? The boy loves food. It's natural. I'm sure you love food too."

He chuckles and slowly gets up, putting some clothes on before heading downstairs. I sigh, knowing that means I probably should get up. I slowly walk downstairs with Mary in hand and see Tanner fixing some cereal for Jason and him. I walk over and steal Tanner's bowl, slowly eating it.

"Luna. That was mine." He whines. He sounded like Jason when Mary started to get into his stuff. I just shrug my shoulders and continue to eat. I sit Mary down in her highchair and feed her some cereal too. She loves cheerios, and who could blame her. They are pretty good.   

 When we all sat there at the table eating, I just looked around at my wonderful and beautiful family. I was so grateful for having these amazing people in my life. I love them so much.

After breakfast, we all decide to take a walk. We go to the clearing in the middle of the woods. Tanner took Jason to the other side of the clearing and Tanner phased into his huge wolf. Jason giggled like he always does and goes to get on his back. Of course Tanner had to lean down a lot, but Jason got it. He is so big now, and he is only 5. It is so sad. He is growing up so fast. Tanner says it's just because of the werewolf gene, but I don't care. Can't he stop growing for just a little bit. He is getting so big.

I look down at Mary playing in the flowers. She is my little girl. She is so adorable. Tanner came over and approached Mary. I was waiting for her to cry or something, but she just laughed and hit him on the nose.

"Bad doggy."

I giggled as Tanner just stared at her in shock. She was too adorable. Looking at my wonderful family, I realize just how far we have come. Tanner and I have went through a lot together, but we got through it. Now we have two beautiful children that we both love with all our hearts. Everything was perfect, and I felt like nothing could ever go wrong. 

Well, I know it is short, but I hope you enjoy this. Please let me know what you think and what you have thought about this whole story. Sadly, this is the last chapter, but the sequel will hopefully be out soon. Thank you for everyone that has read my book and thank you all for for just giving this book a chance.

Thanks and have an amazing day/night,


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