Chapter 14

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I slowly walk down the stairs to find Tanner pacing at the bottom of the steps. He stops immediately when he hears Janet and Carroll giggling behind me. He looks at me and just stares at me, waiting for me to get down the stairs. I blush slightly when everyone turns to look at me. I didn't like all this attention.

"Don't even think about them Lun. Just look at me. I am the only person here, okay?"

"That's kind of hard to do."

"Hey, you're fine. Remember what I said. You are going to make an amazing Luna."

I smile at that. I take the last two steps and he wraps his arm around my waist. Usually I would get a bit annoyed at his clinginess, but today, I really am enjoying it. Of course, his clinginess doesn't bother me terribly bad, but it does sometimes get on my nerves.  He chuckles a little and leans down a bit.

"You know you love me." His warm breath on my neck had me shiver slightly. He takes me up slowly onto a stage. His sisters and mother were all smiling up at me. I smile a little, but then look back up at Tanner.

He clears his throat, and then starts to speak. "Hello everyone. Thank you so much for coming out on such short notice. I don't know if any of you know this, but I have found my mate. Her name is Luna" A few gasps and cheers were heard from the crowd. "Now, she has accepted the position of Luna and wants to join our pack. I have accepted her, but I need a few people.

"Me!" His sisters and mom shout. I laugh a little.

"Okay. There is three. We need two more."

Ashton raises his hand along with a guy beside him. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Okay. It's official. She is now a member of our pack and our Luna. Now, by law, I have to ask if anyone would like to challenge her."

I start to freak out a bit. He never said anything about challenging. Oh my gosh, what if I lose? Aren't those things to the death?

"Relax Lun. You would win. Trust me. You didn't even break a sweat and you took down one of my best female warriors. You'll be fine."

I slowly calm down. He wraps an arm around my waist and rubs his thumb on my waist. I know he was trying for skin contact, but I am wearing a dress so... yeah. We wait for a second, then Tanner speaks again.

"Well, since there is no challenges, she will be moving into the Luna position." Cheers were heard from all around the crowd. I smile and look up at Tanner. He smiles down at me. I turn around though when somebody hollers from the crowd.

"What is it?"

"I would like to challenge her. Not only for the Luna position, but for her mate."

Gasps are heard from all around. The girl comes forward and I am not shocked to see that it is Christine. Tanner looks down at me and I nod.

"Okay then. Ladies, please take your positions. Now, since Luna can not shift, we will be doing this fight in our human forms. No shifting. This is law."

We both nod and I hop off the stage. I am really happy I have a loose and flowing dress that does not restrict my movement. I slowly bend down, and throw my shoes onto the stage by Tanner. I then face Christine. She is staring at me very intensely.

"Okay Ladies, are you ready?" We both nod. "Okay. Go!" I watch her closely, waiting for her to make the first move. She does, and I swiftly move out of the way. She goes to get me, but I put my hands up. Feeling the energy surge through me, a force pushes her back. Before this happened, her claws scraped across my upper arm.

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