Chapter 5

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Tanner's POV

After Luna had took off, I faced the man in the room. He had a gun pointed right at me. I stay put, not wanting him to be able to get near the door and go after my Luna. He smirks and I phase to try to have some advantage. With that gun, I didn't have much. I had to laugh though. He picked the one thing he knew that he would have an advantage over me. So he was scared of me.

I took a step towards him and he smirks. I was going to wipe that smirk off his face. I took another step forward and he pulled the trigger. A small dart hit me in the arm and I took it out immediately. I still felt a little woozy, but refused to look weak. That smirk was still on his face. I growl and he shot me again. After a few seconds, I fell to the floor and passed out.

When she tried contacting me, my wolf got me to slowly work past whatever he had shot me with. When I finally got past everything and talked to her the two times through our bond, I was ready to kill every one of them. I had to smile though when she told me to kill one for her. Oh, I will. I will kill whoever took her and killed Jack's mate. The poor guy. I can't imagine what he must be going through. I rally up every man I can spare and set off to find my mate.

I felt for Luna and noticed she felt distressed.

"What's wrong?"

"I just feel so bad for Jack." She cuts off after that and I try to figure out what is going on. I can tell she feels nervous, but I don't know why. She is also feeling furious.


"They are trying to use Stella as leverage so I will tell them why I was screaming."

"Why were you screaming?"

"You know how I told you if I got a vision from the past it really hurts?"


"I got a vision of what Stella went through and how her mom died, so I screamed. I am trying to tell them that they already know it and I even told them what all I saw, but they don't believe me. Tanner, I am afraid they are going to hurt or even kill Stella."

"Just hang in there Luna. We will be there soon."

"Okay, hurry Tanner."

I quickly follow the scent of my mate until it slowly dims. I look around and notice a building. That must be it. How in the world did I find it so easily. I remember what Luna said about how I wouldn't find them unless they wanted me to find them. Shoot, I hope this isn't a trap. I slowly circle around, surveying my surroundings. I didn't see any sign of anything. No movement at all. Something wasn't right. I look up in the trees and tell everyone to search for any signs of an ambush or a trap. We still found nothing. What is going on?

Slowly, I make my way towards the entrance. My beta and my best warrior follow behind me. I get about ten feet away from the door, and I hear a bloodcurdling scream followed by a very loud growl.

"Luna, are you okay?"

I couldn't feel anything. She blocked me. I start to push at her wall and try to knock it down, but she is putting a bunch of her energy into that wall. I can't make it come down. I slowly make my way towards the doors, trying to keep my wolf under control. We are both scared as to what we are going to see in there, but I just hope that Luna is alright.

Luna's POV

I look around and see that I am in another cell. Stella is cowering in the corner, and I make my way to her. She looks up at me with tear filled eyes and hugs me.

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