Chapter 24

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Luna's POV

I walk out of the room. I was so not in the mood for secrets right now. I can't stand it. I walk into the room and sit down the couch. The man that I am assuming is my guard stood next to the door.I look around and notice a bowl of fun dip on the coffee table. I smile and happily take a package out of the bowl. I rip open the half of the package with the sugar stick thing and take that out and just start eating it. I know I am weird, but I don't like the powder. I just like the sugar stick.

The man looks at me weird and I hold up the package to him, offering him the powder. She shakes his head no and I shrug my shoulders.

I finish eating it and then lay down, getting really tired. I decide to take a nap, knowing it will take a while for the meeting to adjourn. After a few minutes, I slowly drift off to sleep.

Tanner's POV

After Luna walked out the door, I turned to the council.

"Alright. What is this about?"

"This is about your mate being the foreseer."

"What is wrong with that?" I was getting sort of irritated with all this. "Please stop beating around the bush and just come out with whatever you want to say."

"It was brought to our attention that there are rules regarding tying down the foreseer. Therefore, we have concluded that she can not be your Luna. She may still be your mate obviously though. We would never want to break up mates."

"What if I were to allow her to leave and help other packs? I have allowed her to call the packs every time she gets a vision. She warns them. I could let her leave too. Hell, I could even give her some transportation for her to get there faster. Just please allow her to be the Luna. I could never dream of having someone other than my mate being the Luna of my pack. It would be crazy."

I notice I have gotten some of their attentions because some were looking amongst themselves with a sorrowful look in their eyes. They sympathized with me and knew they would never allow their pack to have another Luna then their own mate. I inwardly smile, hoping there's enough of them that understand that will take my side.

"Alpha Tanner, we would like to talk about this new information. If you could please step outside, we will let you know what we settle on."

I nod and walk into the room Luna went to before. I look at the couch and notice Luna sleeping. I smile and walk over to her, leaning down so I'm right next to her ear. "Wake up Luna." I whisper into her ear. She moves and brings her shoulder up slightly to cover her ear. I chuckle a bit. She turns over on her side and drifts back to sleep.

Sighing, I decide to pick her up and sit on the couch with her sitting on my lap. She jerks and looks up at me. She was tense and ready to fight until she saw it was me. Then she slaps me on the chest.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"You woke me up and you scared me."

I chuckle. "Okay. I guess I deserved it then."

"You bet you did."

She looks over at the bowl of candy, grabbing a packet of fun dip. I smile at her and her love for food. She opens it up halfway and just grabs the sugar stick out. She then hands me the rest of the packet. I look at her with a questionable look as she begins to eat the sugar stick by itself.

"Isn't the point of the candy to eat it with the powder?"

She glares at me and I raise my hands in surrender. I slowly open the other half of the packet and eat the powder. It was a bit sour, but it was good. This brought back so many memories of my childhood. This was my dad's favorite candies and he would always buy some when we went to the store together.

"So, what was the meeting about?" She looks up at me, curiosity in her eyes. I look around, knowing I am not really supposed to discuss this. I know that she will find out sooner or later. I position her so that she is looking at me, and then I sigh, knowing I am going to be in deep trouble after doing this.

"Well, they are worried and concerned with you being my mate. They do not want you to be tied down to one pack. They do not want me to make sure you can't warn the other packs or help them out. I assured him that that would not happen, and that I would even help with transportation for you to go and help the other packs."

"What are they saying?"

"That if they decide on what they had decided on earlier, you can not be the Luna of my pack. I will have to choose someone else and, by law, it would have to be my best female warrior."

"Stupid Christine." I hear her mutter and laugh at her comment. "She can't do this! You aren't going to tie me down. I can easily do both. Do they not know who I am?!" I chuckle at her and she glares at me. "I am serious! I am not letting her be your Luna. No offense, but she wouldn't be a good Luna."

"Trust me, I know. She is a bi-"

"Tanner! Language!"

I chuckle. "Sorry, but it's true."

"I don't care."

I smile at her. Just when I was about to grab another fun dip, the doors open.

"Alpha Tanner? The council would like to see you now." I get up and sit Luna back down, walking towards the door. I could sense Luna following right behind me, but I decide not to mention anything. She could come in if she wanted to. I actually wanted to hear her give the council a piece of her mind.

The council immediately notices her and one of them speaks up.

"Miss Foreseer, could you possibly give us some privacy please?"


They all gasp. "No?"

"No. This has to do with my mate and me. I am not giving you privacy just so you can discuss something about me behind my back. I am a person. If I remember right too, I do not follow the werewolf rules. I go by my own. I do not even belong to your community. I am on my own. Why do you care if I am his Luna? I swear, if you say I can not be, then I will resign as being the foreseer."

There are gasps all around. "Miss, we do not mean to upset you. We also all know though that you can not just resign."

"This is true, but I can just ignore the visions."

She got many glares from the council and I glare back at them.

"Miss, just let us discuss this."

"Fine, but I am staying."

They don't say anything after that and she smiles in victory. I grab her hand and she looks over at me smiling.

"Okay, we have come to an agreement. You may be the Luna of Tanner's pack, but if we notice any changes or her being tied down, she will have to stop."

"Trust me, you won't." She says right before they flash us back. I look around to see us being back in my office. I smile down at her. My wolf and I were so proud of her right now. I was so happy. I pull her close and hug her, kissing the top of her head. She then looks up at me and kisses me. I am shocked for a second, but then I kiss her back slowly. She tries to deepen the kiss, but I pull back. She looks up at me with a pout on her lip.

"We can't."

"Why not? I'm fine now. I am no longer in heat and am not as emotional anymore."

"I know. I just don't know if you're still not thinking straight."

"Then test me or something."

I smile at that comment, pulling her closer to me. I hope she knows what she is asking for. 

Author's Note

Please let me know about the sequel here soon. If you would like one, I am hoping to start writing one here soon so I can have it out  once this book is finished. Please vote and comments if you liked this book. I will dedicate the next chapter to the first person that votes on this chapter or comments. Please let me know if I should change anything or if you don't understand something. I will explain it. Let me know if you have any constructive criticism too.

Thanks and have a wonderful day/night,


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