Chapter 33

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4 months later

Well, Tanner was right when he thought I was pregnant. Now I am pretty big and pregnant. I sat in bed, laying down next to Tanner who was asleep. He had his hand resting on my stomach. I laughed when the baby kicked at his hand, making Tanner stir in his sleep a bit. He slowly wakes up and looks at me.

"Morning Lun." He leans up and kisses my forehead, and then he kisses my stomach. "Morning baby." I giggle as he is talking and saying so many weird things to the baby. He does this a lot nowadays. It's so adorable though. I slowly sit up and roll out of bed. I felt so weird and strange. Ugh! I don't think I like being pregnant. Don't get me wrong. I will love this baby and want one, it's just such a long and stressful process. It will all be worth it in the end though.

I slowly walk out while Tanner is right behind me. I sat down on the couch beside Esther and she smiles at me.

"Hello sweety."


I look up a Tanner only to see that he had already left. He must know by now that I want my time to myself. I at least want some time alone with his mom.

"Why don't we take a small walk through the garden?"

I nod and we walk out the back door to the garden. It was beautiful right now. All the wonderful flowers were in bloom and the butterflies were everywhere. "So Lun, have you told Tanner about all your anxiety yet?" I look down feeling guilty. I had told his mom about how I could possibly die and everything, but I haven't told Tanner yet. I felt awful, but everytime I try, something interrupts us, or I can't bring myself to do it.


"Luna. You need to tell him. You have two months left during your term and then you'll be having the baby. If you have the baby, and if your fears come true, then things could go down very badly. I am not saying they will come true though. I think that vision was meant for you and your daughter. In fact, I know it was. You still need to tell him though. He can help you through this."

I know she is right. I just need to grow a pair and tell him. I smile at her and hug her.

"Thank you."

I go back into the house, determined to tell Tanner about everything I have been worried about since the beginning. I go into the kitchen and see him leaning against the counter, eating some strawberries with some cream cheese dip. I go up to him and grab the thing of cream cheese dip with a spoon.

"Tanner, we need to talk." I walk upstairs to our room and I know he is following me. His curiosity is overwhelming and he is trying to get into my head, but I won't let him. He needs to hear me say it. I sit on the bed and he sits next to me.

"What's wrong Lun? Is the baby ok? Are you ok?"

"Everything is fine. I just need to discuss some things with you."

"Okay. Discuss away."

"I need you to sit here and listen to me. You can ask questions after I am done."


"It's okay. Just listen." He nods and sits back a bit, waiting for me to start. "Okay, so, as you know, I have been a bit distant for a while. It is because of some anxiety. I just am so worried about having this baby, but it's not because of what you may be thinking. I am the foreseer, and there can only be one of us on this earth at a time. My mom died in childbirth with me. Now, I had a vision when I was coming here that had two foreseers together at the same time. I don't know if this means it will happen with me or a later foreseer. My fear is though, that if this baby is a girl, and if it is a foreseer, that I could die giving birth to this child. If it is a girl, it is most likely going to be a foreseer too."

He waits for a little bit and then finally speaks. "Luna, you are not going to die. They gave you that vision for a reason and it is telling you that you are going to live to see the next foreseer and see them grow up."

I smile slightly at him, still pretty anxious.

"But what if the vis-"

He cuts me off by kissing me lightly. He pulls back and looks at me. "No more what ifs. Nothing is going to happen to you."

I sigh and he brings me onto his lap so my back is against his chest. He just sits there and hugs me for a while, while I eat the cream cheese dip. It was so good.  He just kind of shook his head and chuckled at me. He didn't question me though. He learned the hard way not to do that. I kind of punched him because I was pretty emotional that day. I apologized later though.

I smile at my amazing mate and realize that everything truly will be fine. I feel so much better after telling him this too. Esther was right, as usual. I leaned against his chest and just sat there contently. For the first time in this whole pregnancy, I didn't feel completely scared.

Author's Note (Please read! Sequal details)

Thank you so much for reading. Thank you also for all the wonderful readers that have been with me since the beginning. After this one we only have two chapters left. There will be a sequal and right now it is called A New Foreseer. If you have any ideas for a new title or cover, please comment or message me. Also, if you have any ideas or something you would like to see happen in the next book, tell me. I will see what I can do and maybe I'll put it in there. 

Have an amazing day/night


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