Chapter 25

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Luna's POV

I saw the smirk on his face and instantly regret saying that. He pulls me closer, if that is even possible, and leans down slowly, burying his face in the crook of my neck. I felt his warm breath on my neck and instantly my legs felt like jello. He supports me with his hands on my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck to truly support myself.

He leans in just a bit more and kisses my neck. I sigh and I could feel him smiling. He knew he was doing this to me. He leaned back and looked at me. There was something in his eyes, but I couldn't decipher it. I tilt my head a bit in confusion and his smirk only grew.

He leans in again and kisses the place where he would mark me. I tighten my grip on him so I wouldn't fall, and he tightens his grip on my waist. I could feel his canines lengthen and he grazes them against the spot. I shudder, but pull back a bit.

"Wait." I barely get out. I probably sounded like I had just ran a marathon. He smiles down at me and he backs away slightly. Looking at him confused, his smile gets even bigger.

"You passed the test."

I smile, then I glare at him. Pushing him back a bit, I cross my arms over my chest.

"You butt. I didn't mean test me like that." He starts to laugh and I can't help but laugh along with him. I slowly stop laughing and look around his office. He smiles over at me and then frowns.

"What's wrong?"

"I just got a message they noticed some people walking around the territory."


"Well, at first they thought they were rogues, but then they realized that it was a mix. Some were rogues and others were people. Luna, they think this is the hunters again." I am in shock. I put my hands over my mouth and slowly start to back away. This is all my fault. I should have known they would regroup faster than this. Now people could get hurt and it will all be my fault. I back up until I am against the wall and then slide down until I am sitting on the floor.

"Oh my gosh Tanner." And that is all I could get out before I started crying.

Tanner's POV

I watch as my mate starts to cry and break down. Going over to her, I pick her up slowly. I comfort her and try to calm her down, but she won't.

"This is all my fault. People are going to be hurt because of me." My wolf begins to surface, but I hold him back.

"It is not your fault! You can't help that they are after you and you could not of known any of this."

She looks up at me and is still crying. I don't know what to do.

"Alpha, they are beginning to get aggressive. You need to get down here now." Ashton mind linked me.

"Fine. I'm coming. I'll meet you halfway. I want you to take Luna to the safe house."

"Will do Alpha."

"Okay, Luna, I know you are upset right now, but I have to go and handle this so someone doesn't get hurt. I am going to meet up with Ashton and he is going to take you to the safe house."

She looks up at me and nods lightly. I was a bit shocked at first. I thought she was going to demand to come with me. I wasn't going to question it though. She slowly hops up and we walk in the direction Ashton had told me they were. Within a minute Ashton meets us.

"Hello Alpha. Luna." He nods at both of us and smiles at Luna.

"Okay, take her to the safe house. After she is safe get three of our best warriors to guard her and then join us where the fight is."

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