Chapter 2

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 Luna's POV

I got half way through what I was saying when his eyes started flicking back and forth between black and blue. By the time I was finished, they were black. Gosh dang it, why did I have to open my mouth. Oh yeah, because you refuse to be pushed around. He grabs me by the waist and picks me up.

"Hey, put me down."

He didn't listen to me and carried me back into his room, shutting the door behind him. I grab his hands to try to get them to loosen up. When I made contact with his skin, I felt the sparks and instantly pulled away. He growls and leans his head down right by my ear. "Why are you trying to get away from me mate?"

"I have a name."

"Luna." I almost melted into him when he said my name, but kept myself from doing so. "Answer my question Luna."


"Why?" I jumped. He had yelled that last part right by my ear. So I guess the rumor is true. He gets very pissed very easily. Fun.

"Because I do, now let me go." He drops me gently on the bed and pins me down. "What are you doing."

I look up at him and realize that his eyes are blue. What the heck? "Tell me why or I will be forced to kiss you," he says with a huge smirk on his face.

"Just let me go. I need to help the Danis pack."

"What is so special about them? I am your mate."

"And they took me in when nobody else would." His eyes instantly softened and he pulls me up wrapping me in a hug. "I know you may not understand, but we always have had each other's backs, the pack and I. I need to be there."

"Please, just give me a second."


He looks up at me and I am relieved to see blue instead of black. I don't think I want to meet his wolf again for a while. He laughs and I just look at him confused.

"We are mates. I can read your thoughts."

Shoot, I forgot about that. "So, how does that work?"

"Just try to imagine what I might be thinking and soon you will be reading my thoughts. Once you are in my head you can even talk to me."

I try but am interrupted by someone saying hi. I look around and don't see anyone. "Luna, this is what I was talking about. I am talking to you through our bond."

He scared me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Will you just talk to me aloud. We are here alone anyways. And don't read my mind all the time. It is creeping me out."

"Sorry Luna."

"How do I put up that little block thingy?"

"You just sort of picture a wall or dome around your thoughts." I try doing that and he growls.


"Please don't block me from your thoughts."

"I need to go."

"Unblock me."

"Then you will let me?"

"I will think about it, but right now what you need to do is unblock me and then we will take a nap." He pulls me down to where my back is up against his chest. I try to get up, but he has his arm wrapped around my waist preventing me from doing so.

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