Chapter 30

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I just realized I am getting close to the ending. I only have a few more chapter left and then this book is over. It feels good though. This will be my first book that I have ever fully completed. I feel so accomplished. Ah! Thank you for everyone that has been with me since the beginning. I hope you all have liked it so far. Anyways, on with the chapter.

"You just made a big mistake sweetheart." My heart sinks and my stomach is in knots. I don't know what to do. He is a lot stronger than me and the foreseer powers aren't working at all. I have tried to shock him a million times, but they aren't working. There must have been something in that syringe that is subduing it.

He turns me around to face him and presses himself up against me. I couldn't move, frozen in fear. His hands trail down to my thighs and he lifts me up. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around his neck. I keep my legs limp though. He growls in frustration at this, but leaves it alone.

"Tanner! Hurry!"

"I'm coming Lun. We found the place. About to attack."

Jack lays me down on the bed and is now on top of me. He has my legs situated to where I couldn't knee him anymore and has my hands pinned above my head. I look up at him and he has a huge smirk on his face. I honestly am terrified. He could easily do anything to me and I wouldn't be able to stop him.  

 He leans down and kisses my collarbone and I take in a sharp breath.

"Please don't."

"Please don't what sweetheart?"

"Don't do this."

"Oh but sweetheart, this is your punishment. Unless you want to admit you were lying and you truly do like this. And of course apologize for doing what you did to me."

I was about to say something, but I hear yelling from outside and people screaming. He looks down at me and smirks. Then he picks me up, putting his arm around my waist with my back to his chest. He walks out into the hallway in just enough time to see Tanner.

He instantly notices me and what I'm wearing. He also notices Jack holding me. He growls fiercely and stalks towards us.

Jacks pulls my hair and forces my head to the side, revealing my neck. "I wouldn't if I were you. I could easily mark her, making her mine."

Tanner growls, but stops. I knew he was thinking of a way to get me out of this situation.

"Tanner, I'm scared. Please help."

He could hear the pure terror in my voice and concern filled his eyes. He has never seen me this scared. Not like this. About other people, yes, but not for my own well being. He then growls at Jack again. I know this won't end well, but the question is, for who?

Tanner's POV

The second I noticed Luna practically naked in the arms of Jack, I lost it. Then she told me she was scared and I could tell by her voice that she is terrified.

"Ashton, I found Luna. Your brother has her. I need you to go behind him and catch him off guard."

"Got it."

I wait for a while a just growl at him. I soon notice Ashton and he has something in his hands. It is a syringe. I smirk and Jack notices this. He tries to turn around, but Ashton already stuck him with the syringe. Jack stumbles to the ground and Luna runs to me, hugging me tightly. I hold her and nuzzle her neck.  I then give her my shirt to wear. She puts it on real quick and I smile.

 "Let's go home."

Luna's POV

He turns around with my hand in his and heads towards the exit. Ashton is behind us and he smiles at me shyly. I am sure he is worried I'm going to hate him. I smile back at him and a huge grin spreads across his face. I just giggle. We are outside and heading towards the woods when we hear a all too familiar voice yelling from behind us.

"Where do you think you're going?"

We turn around to see Ryder standing there with Christine in his hands. My eyes go wide when I see the silver knife held against her throat.

"Seriously? Out of all people from my pack, you grab her?"

Ryder's smirk falters as he realizes she means nothing to Tanner. Tanner was about to turn around and leave when I stopped him.

"We can't just leave her here."

"Yes we can. She came here without permission. No one was allowed even close to the boundaries while I was gone. She obviously came here for a reason and I think I know what that reason was."



I look back at her and Ryder and realize what he means. There is something between them that is weird. It is kind of gross though since he is around my mom's age. Oh well. I guess if it's love.

"Goodbye Ryder." Tanner says and we walk away. We arrive at the pack house pretty quickly and I run into our room, jumping on the bed. I was so happy to be here.

Tanner chuckles and  sits on the bed next to me. I move over next to him and lay on his chest. He moves me to where I am straddling him, but then he growls lowly. I flinch at this and he stiffens, noticing my reaction.

"Sorry. You just smell like him. How about we take a shower?"

"Ok." I say without really thinking. Honestly I don't think I could even care about that right now. It is just a shower and I am so tired. Although, in his mind it might be more than just a shower. I go and he lets me hop in the shower first. I then start to wash my hair. As I am rinsing out my hair, I feel Tanners hands touch my waist. Jumping, he chuckles a bit.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"You're fine."

He wraps his arms around my waist and brings me closer to him. I giggle as he kisses my shoulder. In the time that I was gone, he had started to grow a beard. It was barely there, but the stubble still tickled.

"You need to shave."

He chuckles. "Don't you like it?" And he rubs his cheek against my shoulder, making me giggle even more.

"Just shave silly."

"Alright. I will tonight."

"Thank you."


He continues to kiss my shoulder and neck while I unsuccessfully try to rinse out my hair. He notices this and steps back a bit, rinsing my hair out himself. After he was done with that, he puts some conditioner in my hair and rinses that out.

Turning around to face him, he looks down and smiles at me. He looked stunning with the water droplets running down his face and body. He slowly leans down and kisses me. It started off sweet and soft, but then it turned into passion. He pulls me closer to him and kisses me harder. His hands travel down and pick me up by the thighs, making me gasp.

At some point, we got on the bed. I don't even remember getting out of the shower though. He looks down at me, as if asking for permission, and I nod. He slowly trails kisses up and down my neck. I can't help but think back to when Jack did this and I just block it out. I know some people might not do this at all for a while after experiencing something like that, but I trust Tanner. He is my mate.


He looks up at me, I knew he was fighting for control. "Yes?"

"I love you."

He smiles widely. "I love you too."

He then kisses my neck. I could feel his canines lengthen and then they sink into my neck. I hiss in pain, but then it starts to feel good. He pulls away after licking the mark so it would heal. After that, it is kind of a blur, but a wonderful amazing blur.

If you did not know, yes, they are fully mated. Sorry if it is so weird, but I am not really good at writing that kind of stuff. I wanted to end it without getting too graphic. I hope this is ok. If you have any suggestions on another way to end this, please let me know. 

Thanks for reading and please let me know what you thought. Vote, comment, and share. 

Have a wonderful day/night,


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