Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to KoehnSam, whose comment really made my day.

Luna's POV

It killed me to walk out the door and into the woods. I took out a little serum thing that covers your sent. I hate doing this to him, but I don't want anything to happen to him or his pack. I learned my lesson the last time for staying somewhere to long. Luckily I wasn't at a pack warning them. I was actually at an apartment just trying to get everything worked out between the packs. I stayed there for a whole week and then they came. They were specialized foreseer hunters. They track us down and make sure we can't warn any of the werewolves about anything. I don't know why they do this, but they do. They took me and I wasn't able to escape for about two weeks. By that time a pack had been attacked by rogues and they all died. I still blame myself for that.

When he talked to me it made it even harder. I wanted to tell him everything, but I know he would go on a killing spree. I just need to stay calm and keep to what I have been doing. I will go back to him eventually, but not just yet. In about two or three weeks I will.

I head up towards the city and towards my apartment. I keep all my things there. Thanks to Tanner making me leave so early, I didn't have a chance to grab anything. I ran inside when I got onto the yard and grabbed an extra bag, stuffing it with a few things. I turn around and there he is with a dark expression on his face.


He runs up to me and picks me up, holding me there for what seemed like hours, but was only a minute. He looks back down at me and his eyes are black. Seriously, why do I always have to meet his wolf. I feel like I know his wolf better than I know him.

"Luna, never run away from me again."

"I can't promise that."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want you or your pack getting hurt."

His expression gets even darker if that is even possible and pushes me against the wall, telling me I used the wrong wording. "Why would we be getting hurt? Doesn't that mean you are in danger and you would get hurt to?"

"Not exactly, but not sure."

"What do you mean you're not sure?"

"Tanner, you need to calm down."

"You need to tell me what the hell is going on. You also need to be by my side helping me rule the pack."

He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Tanner, let me go!" I am answered with a low growl. He opens the door and walks out, taking me into the woods and towards his territory. How in the world did he find me.

"Luna, you are my mate. My wolf could have found you without anything to help him out, which was exactly what he did in this case."

How did people not notice a man carrying a helpless woman out with her struggling and yelling? I swear, why can't people just look out their windows sometimes. That would help a lot.

"You don't want to be with me Luna?"

"Tanner, I want you to put me down and we can talk about this. Now!"

"What is there to talk about? You are coming home with me and never leaving my side."

"There is more to it than just that Tanner."

"Then enlighten me Luna." I stop and try to think about how to say everything. It is going to be a lot to take in. I may have to give it to him in chunks and calm him down in between them. He is not going to take this well. "Luna, what am I not going to take well?"

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