Chapter 13

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The pic on the side is what he hair looks like. Honestly, that is sort of how I picture Luna looking like too. I was looking for hair styles, found it, and Luna. How weird. I found it pretty funny.

Tanner's POV

I pick up Luna in my arms. Looking up at the man, he stands there in shock. He then shakes his head and looks down at Luna. "Alpha, please give the Luna my regards for saving my life."

I nod and he leaves. Ashton still stands there in shock. I think everyone was. We all knew she was the foreseer, but we never knew she was capable of that. I lay her down on the couch in my office, and cover her with a blanket. Ashton just kept staring at her in shock. There was surprise clear in his eyes, but there was also something else there as well. I am not sure as to what it was, but my wolf didn't like it.

He growled in my head, causing a growl to come from me. Ashton snaps out of his thoughts and looks at me.

"Sorry, I was just not aware that she could do that. I was simply surprised. I will leave."

"Wait. We need to discuss a few things about all the paperwork and everything."

I could see him sigh, knowing what is coming. We are about to pull an all nighter to get up to speed. I look down at Luna, thinking about whether or not I should take her up to our room. I decide the safest place for her is here with me. She looked comfy anyways. I wouldn't want to wake her up. She needed to gain back some energy after doing everything.

I sit in my chair and Ashton pulls up a chair next to mine. I grab half of the stack of papers and hand them over to Ashton. He grabs the first paper up and stares at it.

"Um... Tanner?"


"This is a possible treaty. It almost sounds like a declaration of war though."

Grabbing it from him, I slowly read over it. It does sound like that. I read the name and notice it is Alpha Louis. He is a friend of mine. I call him up and he answers.

"What are you still doing up Tanner?"

"It is only 10."

"Well, it is midnight here."

"Oh right. Sorry. I forgot you were at a conference."

"It's fine. What's up?"

"Did you send out a treaty for our pack?"

"No. I did not."

"What do you mean you didn't. I am staring at the treaty right now."

"Well, somebody must have sent it without my knowing, because I did not send it."

"Okay. Thanks. Bye."

I hang up quickly and stare at the paper for a good five minutes. Who could have possibly sent this without him knowing. Very few people had access to an Alpha's office when they are not around. It is either someone close to him, or he has a leak in his pack.

Luna's POV

I wake up slowly, hearing a beeping coming from my phone. I look down and find that it is a calendar notification. It says that the introduction thing is today. I jump up in shock and look around, noticing I am in Tanner's office. I look at his desk and find him slumped over and asleep.

Slowly walking over to him, I shake his arm slightly.

"Tanner, you need to wake up." He just sort of shrugs me off and goes back to sleep. "Tanner, wake up. Come on. Today is the big day."

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