Chapter 10- Part 1

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This Chapter is now edited! Yay! I am hoping to keep up on replacing the bad chapters with my edited ones on more of a regular basis.

Tanner's POV

After the Doctor and Jen both left, I notice Luna yawn. I chuckle a little.

"Luna, are you tired?"

"No, I'm hungry and feel gross."

"Lun, you're not gross."

"Yeah I am. I am so gross. I haven't had a shower since I met you. I have been in a hospital since then and smell like one too."

"Awe, does my Luna not like hospitals."

"Who does?"

I chuckle and nod in agreement. I don't know of anybody who likes hospitals beside maybe for the food or maybe the nurses and doctors. I mean, the food there is pretty good, but I never want to be in there.

"Well, would you like to take a shower and then go on a date with me?" I look at her shyly, and rub the back of my neck. She looks up at me curiously.




"Oh, um... I don't know yet. Somewhere simple. We could go out for Dairy Queen or something." She nods. "Is there somewhere you would want to go?"

"Dairy Queen is perfect."

"Wait, so it that a yes?"

She smiles up at me and says, "Yes."

I smile at her and hug her. She hugs me back causing my wolf to purr. She starts laughing. I pull her pack and look at her curiously.


"Why is me purring so funny to you?"

"I don't know. I just always think of a cat when something is purring instead of a big werewolf."

I smile down at her. That does sound funny when you put it like that. "So, what do you want when we get there?"

"Hmmm.... I don't know yet. I know that I want a shower though." I laugh and the nod. She goes upstairs and I follow her. She turns around when we get to our room. "What are you doing?"

"Well, I need to take a shower too, so I was thinking that we could save water and take one together." She looks at me like I am crazy and I quickly say, "Or not."

She nods and walks into the room, taking a towel with her. I just now realize that she did not have any clothes. I quickly run downstairs and grab some of my sister's, hoping she won't mind. I put them on the counter and walk out. I guess we are going shopping after our date.

I take a quick shower in the other bathroom downstairs and get dressed. I see Luna walk out, and she smiles at me. I go up to her and wrap my arm around her waist.

"Um... would you want to go shopping after our date?"

"How about before? If I eat and then go shopping, then I will be hungry again. I don't know why, but shopping just makes me hungry."

I chuckle. "Okay. Before it is."

"This doesn't mean I can stay very long though."

I stop in my tracks. I thought we were past this. The hunter people are gone and won't be back for a while. "What do you mean?"

"I have to visit other packs. I will always come back here, but you have to understand. That was just a little portion of them. I know they are still out there. It may take them longer because you killed their best trackers."

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