Chapter 23

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Please read the Author's Note at the end of the chapter. Thanks. Sorry for not posting for a while.

Luna's POV

I can't believe he said no. I thought I had him for a second there, but then he just had to talk some stupid sense into his wolf. I really wanted him to just understand, but no. I hate this heat though. It is making me like this, but I can't help it. Ugh!

I shower up and then hop out. I realized I didn't have any clothes in the bathroom so I decided to just dry off and walk out in a towel. I heard a growl and looked over at Tanner. His eyes were almost black and I could tell he was trying to look away.

"Luna, get back in the bathroom."

Looking down at myself, I shake my head and run into the bathroom, closing the door. I need to get some self control. I hate not having any. I peek out and see that Tanner is still on the bed.

"Hey Tanner?"


"Can you get me some clothes please? Preferably some shorts or leggings and a light shirt."


I hear him opening some drawers, and then he hands them through the small crack in the door. Putting the clothes on, I noticed he picked out the leggings. I just sort of laughed at him. He didn't want me wearing them at first, but now he is all for them.

Walking out of the bathroom, I walk out and go towards the kitchen. I know he is following me, but I could care less. I saw Sam and smile at him cautiously. He smiles back nervously.

"Luna, I am so very sorry for what I did the other day. I don't know what came over me."

"It is okay. I know you didn't mean to do it."

He smiles and then walks away, knowing if he would have stayed there any longer Tanner might have ripped his head off. I could feel the anger radiating off of him.

"Tanner, you need to calm down."

Walking into the kitchen, I grab the jar of peanut butter, a spoon, and some vanilla coke. Going back upstairs, I sit on the bed and start to eat the peanut butter. Tanner looks at me like I am crazy.

"What?" I say with my mouth halfway full of peanut butter.

He just chuckles. "Nothing Lun. Um...listen though, I think I should sleep somewhere else tonight."

I look up at him in shock. "What if I start hurting again?"

"I will totally unblock you the whole time and I will be able to feel it. If not, then mindlink me."

"Tanner, I'm sorry."

"Luna, it's not your fault. You are in heat and you can't help yourself." He comes over to me and kisses the top of my head. "Night Lun, I love you."

He then leaves, closing the door behind him. I just sat there staring at the door in shock. How could he just leave me! I know he did this for a pretty good reason, but still. I needed him. I lay down and pull the covers up to my chin. The bed felt so big without him. Feeling him unblock me, I smile a bit.


"Yes Luna?"

"Could we just talk until I fall asleep?"

"Sure Lun. What about?"

"I don't know. You start us off this time."

"Okay. Hmm... how about you tell me about yourself."

"I don't know. That's a pretty long story. Besides, your voice helps me go to sleep."

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