Chapter 9

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Luna's POV

I slowly wake up and find myself on top of Tanner, straddling him. I go to move off of him, but he grabs my waist and hold me still. "Tanner, we have to check with the doctor to see if I am stable enough to leave."

He gets up quickly, making me fall off. I look up and he is looking off the side of the couch. His expression was priceless. It reminded me of a kid who knows he just did something he wasn't supposed to and is going to get in trouble. I just start laughing, slowly getting up off the floor. He quickly gets up and cups my face with his hands, examining me.

"Oh my gosh Luna, I am so sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

He smiles at me and then grabs my hand, walking out into the operating other room with all the tables. The doctor is already there and is smiling at us. Sitting me down, he looks me over. "Well Luna, how are you feeling?"

"I haven't had any pains since I have been awake."

"That's good."

"So, is she ready to go home?" Tanner asks.

"Well, I would say yes. She may have to take some medicine, a shot, or be put on the IV when we get there though."

"Wait, we?" Tanner asks, looking pretty furious about this new information.

"Well yes. I am the only one aware of her condition at this point. I can get your doctor up to speed once and then leave if that's what you want?"

He goes to say something, but I stop him.

"He is staying. He was just following orders from his leader. Just like your pack follows your orders. He didn't want to do it."

"But Luna..."

"No, you will not argue with me on this. I want him to stay. He saved my life even though he didn't have to. I owe him and so do you."

He sighs, knowing he will not win this argument. He simply nods and I smile up at him. I see him space out and I know he is telling the rest of the pack warriors that we are heading out. He slowly walks us out with the doctor following us. When we get outside, Tanner phases into his wolf. I never quite noticed just how beautiful his wolf was. It was almost a rich chocolate brown color. I smile and run my fingers slightly across his fur, noticing just how silky and soft it was.

"Luna, hop on. You can ride on my wolf back to our pack."

I look at him weird. I know what he meant, it just sounded funny because of the way he said it. He leans down and I slowly slide on, not really knowing how to hold on. He stands back up to his full height and I let out a little squeal.

"Luna, hold on to the little patch of fur right by my shoulder blades." I do slowly, noticing the difference. It was the part a mother wolf would have picked up their babies by. He starts off at a walk to let me get used to it, and then he start jogging. A few minutes later he was almost full out sprinting. I smile a bit, feeling the wind hit my face. It starts getting too cold so I burry my face behind his head, making his wolf purr. I laugh knowing I caused that.

He slowed down to a walk, and I look up, noticing that we are now on his territory and getting close to his house. He slowly bends down and I hop off. When he phases back, I look away and he just chuckles.

"I am able to phase back and have my clothes on."

I look back and smile at him, seeing him fully clothed. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me in close, walking me into the house and sat me down on the couch.

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