Chapter 15

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If I get 5 votes on this chapter by the end of the day, I will update sometime tonight or early tomorrow depending on when I get the votes.

Luna's POV

I slowly wake up, feeling very hot. I almost felt like I was being suffocated. I didn't like the feeling. I was even starting to sweat. I go to kick off the covers, but realize that they are already off. I look around and find Tanner practically laying on top of me.

"Tanner, get off!"

He moves a bit, and then opens his eyes. "What?"

"Get off."

He realizes that he is almost on top of me and gets off. The temperature seems to change drastically and I smile. I was now back to comfortable. Laying back down, I slowly try to drift back to sleep, but Tanner begins to shake me back awake.

"What do you want?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come with me. I am going to go around the pack and talk with a few people."

I start to get up, but wince when I realize my arm still wasn't healed. I go to lay back down and he smiles.

"It's okay if you don't want to. You had a hard day yesterday. Get some rest. If you want to take a tour of the territory, we can do that later today."

"But I want to." I say out while yawning.

He chuckles and brings the sheets up to cover me. "Get some rest. I'll be back later."

He then kisses me on the head and leaves. I find myself soon going back to sleep.

Tanner's POV

I walk outside, chuckling to myself. I knew she would be too tired, but I just really wanted to talk to her before I left. I slowly walk out and find Ashton sitting in the living room watching T.V. He was eating popcorn.

"Seriously dude? Popcorn for breakfast?"

"Hey! Don't judge. I love popcorn! I bet you wouldn't be judging Luna if she had popcorn for breakfast."

I just chuckle, knowing he was right. "Hey, I was wanting Luna to come around and talk with the people for me, but it looks like it's just me. She's way too tired. Want to join?"

"Sure, but what are you talking to them about?"

"I wanted to let people know how sorry I am about everything that has happened, and that the problem is resolved now."

"Can't you just do that in a meeting or something?"

"I will, but I want to go around to the families that lost someone. There were five losses in total."

"Oh. Okay. Yeah, I'll come with."

We slowly head out the door and I head towards the first house. It was Jack's house. I slowly take a breath in, and let it out. This is one of the worst parts of being an Alpha. I knock on the door and Jack soon answers. Stella was hiding behind his leg.


"Jack, I am so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you alpha. May I ask where Luna is today?"

"Yeah. She is really tired from everything yesterday, so she stayed home. I am sure she really wanted to come though."

"Oh, okay. I was just wondering. Stella keeps asking about her."

I smile down at Stella and take a knee. "Well, I am sure Luna would love to visit you sometime Stella."

She smiles and then runs off into the house. I get up again and Jack is looking back at me. He was trying to look at least somewhat happy, but I could tell her wasn't. Who would be after losing their mate?

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