Chapter 34

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2 Months Later

I was sitting on the couch feeling absolutely miserable. My due date was anytime now and I wasn't going to lie, I am freaking out. I am about to have a baby, and could possibly die.

"Luna, stop thinking like that! I can feel your anxiety all the way acrossed the house. Come to my office and we'll talk."

"I am not getting up. Even if I wanted to, I don't know if I could."

He chuckles. "Ok, I'm on my way to you."

Within seconds he was sitting beside me rubbing my shoulders. He was truly an amazing mate.

Tanner's POV

Her anxiety had really started to annoy me. I mean, I was scared too, but for totally different reasons. I was worried about whether I would be a good father or not. After we were done talking, I practically ran down the stairs to the living room. I saw her sitting there and I knew her shoulders were hurting her. They had been for a while now. I want over and started rubbing them.

Sighing, she slowly leaned into my chest and laid her head on my shoulder. She suddenly perked up though. Then I felt something wet.

"Tanner! I think my water just broke."

"Mom, it's time! Get to the hospital."

"Doctor, it's time. We are heading towards the hospital now. Be ready."

I was flipping out. I slowly pick her up and then rush out and run to the hospital since it is barely a minute away. We get there and a lot of people from the pack are here. Of course mom spread the word about Luna having her baby. I get to the room and sit Luna down on the table. The doctor made me get out for a little bit though.

While I am pacing by the door, my mom comes up beside me.

"Son, you need to calm down. You need to be calm for Luna. If you are freaking out, then Luna is going to freak out even more. You don't want that, do you?"


"Then calm down."

I nod, but continue to pace. I do try and calm down though. The doctor comes out and says I can come in. Going into the room, I notice my mother coming in right after us. She goes over to Luna's side and grabs her hand.

"Hi sweety. Is there anything you need?"

She lets out a whimper and shuts her eyes tight. I knew she was in pain. My first thought was that her pains were coming back from having that medicine in her.

"Mom, what's happening?"

"She is having contractions. It's fine. Totally normal."

 I nod and go over to her other side. I held her hand and she began squeezing it lightly. She opened her eyes and smiles at me. I squeeze her hand in encouragement and try to figure out what I could do for her. I don't really know what though. I need to calm down though. Her grip tightened on my hand and I wasn't going to lie, it kind of hurt. She had quite a grip. She started breathing hard and the doctor comes in.

"Luna, you need to calm down a bit. Take some deep steady breaths. You are almost ready to push, but not quite."

She calms down a bit and the doctor leaves to get everything prepared.

2 hours later

She had been pushing for a bit and I could tell she was exhausted. Sweat covered her forehead and she was practically panting.

"Okay Luna, give me one more good push. I can see the baby's head."

She nods a little at the doctor and then pushes with all her might. She didn't make a sound besides a small grunt of pain. I was expecting screaming, but nothing. She was a strong girl. She was my girl though. The doctor has the baby in her hands, but I don't hear any crying. I know this is a bad sign and I start to freak out.

"Is everything ok?" Luna asks weakly.

"We need to have him checked out, but everything seems ok. We will have him cleaned up and then brought back to you. Congratulations Alpha and Luna." We both sigh and wait for the doctor to return with our baby. My son. She had said it was a he so I was so excited. We had discussed names, but I was going to leave it up to her once she saw him.

The doctor finally came in, but she was very pale. I got up and Luna tried, but she couldn't. She was in pain and was weak from giving birth.

"Alpha, can I speak with you?"

I nod, turning around to kiss Luna's forehead before leaving. Heading towards the door where they had brought my son, everyone was rushing around frantically.

"What's wrong?"

"Um... it seems like your baby has stopped breathing for a bit. He is fine now, but we want to keep him under watch for a while." Just as she finished saying that, loud beeping sounds went off and I knew it was because of my son. I walked towards it and saw a bunch of people surrounding this small baby. He was beautiful. His black curly hair and his wonderful green eyes. They were wide open, and then I finally heard it. He cried. I went over to him slowly and everyone parted for me to see him. I put my finger into his hand and he gripped it.

"Hello there. I am your dad. I love you very much." He seemed to smile a bit and I smiled back at him. "Can I take him back to Luna so she can see him."

The doctor nodded and I slowly picked up the baby wrapped in a light blue blanket. He was so beautiful, and he was mine. While I was slowly making my way out to Luna, terrified of dropping him, I talked to him. "I promise to protect you and you may fall sometimes, but I will always be there to pick yo back up." We got there and she held out her hands. She picked him up and cuddled him close to her chest.

"Hi baby. I'm your mommy."

"So, what's my grandbaby's name?" After all this time my mom finally decides to speak up. Luna looks down at our son, deep in thought. She then looks up and smiles.

"His name is Jason." 

So sorry if this chapter isn't that good. I am not good at endings. There will be an epilogue though. If you have any questions or anything unanswered from this book, please ask. Hope this book has been good. After this next chapter, I will have officially finished my first book. It is a sad yet happy feeling. Hope all of you have enjoyed everything.  

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