Chapter 20

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Luna's POV

I slowly wake up with a searing pain in my stomach. This one was worse than yesterday. I clutch my stomach and look around for Tanner. He was nowhere to be seen, but I noticed the bathroom light on and steam coming out of the door. He was probably taking a shower. I try to get up, but that only made the pain worse.

"Tanner." I try to yell, but my voice comes out as barely above a whisper. I sigh when I hear the shower turn off and see him walk out though. We make eye contact and his eyes fill with concern. He quickly comes over to me, only in a towel.

"Luna, I am so sorry. I thought I would be quick enough."

"It's fine." I manage to get out before I go back into the fetal position. He quickly runs to the bathroom, getting a cold, wet cloth I am guessing. He runs back out with one in hand, and him in a set of boxers. Coming over to me, he picks me up and places the cloth on my forehead. He just sort of cradles me while I trace patterns on his chest. He starts to purr and I giggle a bit.

"Is this helping?"

I nod. It was helping a bit. The pain was still there, but not as bad. This pain was bearable. He moves a bit, and the pain intensifies a bit. This pain I could handle. I have been through worse. The thing that I don't like is the feeling in my lower region. It hurts like hell, but not in a painful way. It was like an aching and I hate it.

While I am in a somewhat sane state, I decide to tell him what I have been contemplating for a while.



"While I am somewhat sane and not crazy, I want to tell you something. If this pain gets unbearable and I can't stand it any more, I want you to mark me."

I look up into his eyes and he looks down at me. His eyes were filled with concern.

"Luna, I don't think-"

"Tanner, I am sure about this. I don't want you to do anything further than that, but if it is horrible enough, I want you to mark me."

"How will I know if it is horrible?"

"Trust me, you will know."

He nods and leans back against the headboard. I snuggle into his chest and close my eyes. I could not go to sleep though for some reason.


"Yes Luna?"

"Could you just talk?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just talk about something?"

"Like what?"

"About your childhood I guess."

"Okay. Well, Of course you know Carroll is my older sister. She may seem nice, but of course she was not all that nice to me."

I chuckle. "It's called sibling love."

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. She made me mud pies sometimes. Then she would have me eat them. As I grew, I was put in training and had classes for an Alpha. All the other kids wanted to be around me. Honestly I hated it. I was a bit anti-social when I was young. Especially when my father died."

"How did he die?" I just realize that I had never met him nor even asked about him.

"He died protecting this pack when I was twelve. There was a terrible rogue attack. Many good men and women died that day. I think that was what motivated me to train and become the man I am today. He always had such high expectations for me. After he died, I wanted to live up to them. I trained a lot. I even went to a training camp every summer with a bunch of other soon to be alphas. The only thing was, was that when I was old enough I took over the Alpha position. I was fifteen. I had to grow up pretty fast. I didn't mind though."

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