Chapter 17

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Luna's POV

I walk around in the room. Tanner had made me come up here and take a nap. I rolled my eyes just thinking about it. I really am fine. I'm not that tired! I go to walk downstairs, but Tanner sees me and glares at me.

"Go back upstairs Luna."

"I'm not tired!"



I walk all the way downstairs and see a bouquet of flowers on the table. I smile and go to smell them. They were beautiful purple roses. I didn't even know they had purple roses. I then look around and notice Stella isn't around.

"Where's Stella?"

"My mom took her."

"Oh. Okay."

I smile back at the roses and then see the card. I notice it is for me. Looking back at Tanner with a questioned look, I noticed him glaring at the roses. I slowly take the note and open it. It read:

Dear Miss Luna,

Hello, I assume you know who I am. If not, look at the bottom to see what I signed it as. Now, I just wanted to let you know that what your precious mate did was a horrible thing. We are having to regroup and get new recruits. Now, it may take a while, but do not underestimate us. We will be back for you. I hope you enjoy the roses.

Best of wishes,


I look at the letter for a second. Who the hell is Ryder? I then remember hearing that name while being kidnapped one time. I drop the card and stared at it in shock. It was the leader. How the hell did he get this through?

"Luna, care to explain that?"

I just look up at him. I'm sure my eyes are wide and wild. "It... um... it is.... the leader."

He looks down at me then barges out the door. I could feel the pure rage radiating off of him. I go to follow him, but decide it probably would not be the best idea to do that. Looking back at the roses, I can't seem to find the beauty in them anymore. I quickly pick them up and throw them away.

Sitting down on the couch, I decide to mind-link Tanner.

"Tanner, you better not be doing anything stupid."

"I'm not. I simply am trying to find the stupid leader and destroy him once and for all."

"Tanner, that's called something stupid! Get back here now and calm down."

"But Lu-"

"No! Now!"

I could hear him sigh and soon hear scratching at the door. I slowly walk over to the door and open it slowly. I see a chocolate brown wolf, knowing it is Tanner. He shoves past me, going towards the stairs.

"Tanner, get back here."

He slowly turns around and walks over to me. I go up to him and start to pet his head. His wolf begins to purr and I smile instantly. Phasing, he hugs me tightly. I hug him back, happy that he didn't do anything to harm someone else or himself. He leans down a bit and nuzzles into my neck. I laugh as his hair moves slightly along my ear, tickling me.

He chuckles and I could feel his lips barely brushing across my neck. I shudder a little and let out a sigh. My breath was very shaky at the moment, and he knew he was the cause of it. He slowly kissed my neck and went down to the one spot on my neck, making me shudder. Leaning back, I look up. Noticing his eyes were dark and black, my eyes widen. His wolf is in control and I know all bets are off for him following my wishes.

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