Chapter 10- Part 2

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Tanner's POV

 I take a quick glance at Luna. I know she is hungry. I drive a bit quicker, knowing a Dairy Queen is about two minutes away from here.

Finally pulling into the parking lot, she practically jumps out of the passenger seat when we park. I hop out and follow behind her. When she gets in, I notice a bunch of people in there. She backs up a bit and gets very close to me. I put my hands on her hips and lead her to the back of the line.

"Are you okay Luna?"

"Yeah. It will just take me a bit to get used to a bunch of people." I acknowledge that and hold her against me. When we get up to the counter, she orders a chicken box thing along with a chocolate shake. I decide to try the box and then I get a Reese's cup blizzard.

We get our food and sit down at a booth opposite of each other. We made sure to get one farthest away from everyone else.

"So, I know what heat is sort of, but can you explain it?"

"Um.... well... it is sort of like a sexual attraction only to an extreme. It is almost like you absolutely need it. You can't go without it. I've heard it is very painful, but I don't know."

"Oh. So is it just to their mate, or all men."

"Well... if you have met your mate, then you will have an extreme attraction to them, but if another man does do something, your body will respond to them. It is almost like you are attracted to all the men, but not nearly as much as your mate. At least that's what my mom tells me."

"Oh. So, how do I know when I am about to go into heat."

"You really won't know until it hits you, but men will be able to smell when you are getting close. You will gradually begin to become more sexually attracted to the men."


"Just like how you are about to go into heat in about a week or two."

"What," I whisper yell."

"Sorry, but it's true. I will help you through it. Now, I know you won't be in the right mind, so you will want to mate. Do you want to this time or no?"

"No! Don't even think about doing anything, even if I say so."

"Okay. I won't. I promise."  She smiles at me and I smile back.

Luna's POV

He was smiling at me, when all of a sudden the smile turns into a frown. I look at him curiously when I feel someone sit down next to me in the booth. I look beside me to see Ben. I look back at Tanner to see another guy sitting beside him.

"Well isn't this a coincidence seeing you here." Ben says.

"Yeah." I answer back, not wanting to be rude.

"Speaking of, why are you so close to my territory?"

Tanner looks up at Ban. "What do you mean? Your territory is about five miles east of here."

"You see Tanner. That is what I was going to have a meeting about with you earlier. It turns out that the rogues living there in no man's land turned into a pack and decided it would be a good idea to attack us. We fought and won, claiming the territory as ours."

"Well, I am sorry that we are so close. I was not aware of this since we have not had that meeting yet. We can leave now if you would like."

"Nah, it's fine. Besides, I like hanging out with you sometimes." He turns to me and suddenly I feel a hand resting on my thigh. I gasp a little. Tanner knows exactly what he did and is trying to hold himself back. He knows he can't do anything with all these humans around. Ben is smart for thinking this through, but not so smart about who he thought about doing it to.

"Ben, would you mind getting up so I could sit by Tanner?"

"Why? You weren't sitting by him in the first place."

His hand moves up a little bit more and I can feel what Tanner was talking about. My body is starting to very slowly react to Ben even though I don't want to. I try scooting away, but it didn't really work since there is a wall right there.

"Um... Ben, please stop."

He moves his hand up so close to where he was almost at my crotch. At that point, I practically jump up and step over him. I look at the other guy by Tanner. He doesn't move quick enough for my liking so I touch him, shocking him. He jumps and moves. I just sit down next to Tanner.

"Luna, what did you just do?"

"I used my powers and shocked him with a very low voltage."

"Wait! You actually shocked him. Like lightning."

"Sort of. More like a defibrillator."


I grab my food and Ben smiles at me. I look at him curiously. Tanner takes my food and hands me his. Ben then begins to laugh. Tanner sighs and gets up, pushing me towards the door. "We are leaving. We don't have to have that meeting anymore so don't even think about coming onto my territory without an invitation." He walks out and I get into the truck. He hops in and we drive home. When we get home, he ushers me towards the bathroom.

"What the heck Tanner?"

"Take a shower now. You smell like him and my wolf can't stand it."

I nod and proceed to take a shower. I hop out and notice there is no clothes. I open the door slightly and notice my bags aren't in there.

"Tanner, could you possibly grab my bags and put them in our room so I can change."

"Shoot. Yeah, sorry."

I hear the door open and then close again. I open the bathroom door and look out, noticing the bags there. I don't see Tanner, so I go out and grab some leggings and a big sweatshirt, along with some undergarments. Changing really quick, I walk out. Tanner sees me first and his eyes darken.

"I told you those are only for my eyes."

"What? I have a long sweatshirt on and it covers my butt. It's okay."

He sighs. I think he is just too tired to argue with me.

"Tanner, why don't we go up and take a nap?"

He simply nods and follows me up to our room. I sit down on the bed and he pulls me into his chest. I lay down on his chest. Within a few minutes, Tanner is out. I laugh slightly and snuggle more into his chest. I think it is crazy how we just all of a sudden really liked each other. I guess near death experiences can do that to you. Plus the mate pull. I then start to think about heat, and my eyes get wide. Is the reason I am so fond of him because I am close to heat?  

Author's Note

Hey, thanks for reading. What do you think? I know it is sort of the boring part of the book. I know people aren't too fond of them. I'm not fond about writing them, but I promise all these chapters have a purpose. Please vote and comment. I love hearing from you amazing readers. It really encourages me. If you have any suggestions on how to make this story better, please comment it. I promise there will be violence later on. 

Have a wonderful day/night,


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