Chapter 6

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Luna's POV

I slowly process this. I had no idea we weren't supposed to be able to do any of this.

"Tanner, did you know this?"

"No. I had heard that it was rare, but it does sometimes happen when the bond is so strong."

"Then thank the bond then. Honestly, that stupid bond is the reason I let you carry me back to your territory."

"Well, then I will definitely have to thank it then."

"Are you talking to your mate right now?" I look up at the scientist and he was waiting for an answer.


"What does he have to say?"

"That it is rare, but it does happen when the bond is very strong."

"Hmm... How peculiar." He stares thoughtfully at nothing for a little bit, then nods and walks away. I make sure Stella is away from the leader and look back at him. He is walking out the door and before I can think of a way to escape, he closes the door and locks it. Great, just great. I look back down at Stella and just feel so bad. I brought her into this torture. How could I of let him drag me back? I would have came back eventually, but he couldn't wait and I just let him drag me back knowing things like this would happen.

I try to calm down, but couldn't. I slowly get up and look down at Stella. Where did they take us anyways. It looks like they just took us to another cell, but why would they do that?

"Luna, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a bit worked up. Where are you?"

"I think we are right outside the building you are in. So far we haven't ran into any guards though."

"Hmm... that's weird."


"Are you on the bottom floor I'm guessing?"

"Yeah. Don't come barging in, though. They will expect that. Go about it another way."

"What other way?"

"Give me a second. I can't think right now. I am so tired and worried at the moment. I have to get my strength up. I'm going to rest a little bit, but hopefully just lay down and not fall asleep. I'll talk to you when I get an idea."

"Okay, I love you Luna."


I slowly get up and look around in the area to see where we are. I hear a bunch of snarling and growling, but don't know where it is coming from. Probably from Jack worrying about Stella. I feel bad for him, but I can't really do anything for him.

The doctor comes back in with three men behind him. "Take them to the lab."

I get Stella behind me and put my fists up in a poor attempt to protect her. I had to at least try.

"Now Luna, please don't fight."

"Don't hurt her."

"We won't"

"Like I'm going to believe you."

The guys come and grab my arms. I struggle, but nothing worked. The other guy grabs Stella. She begins to start screaming and I try to get to her, failing miserably. They take us to a lab and I get strapped down onto a hospital bed and the doctor comes over to me.

"Okay, we are just going to put you on a sedative."

"What! Why?"

"Because of reasons I am not allowed to tell you."

He takes out an IV and puts in the sedative, then puts it inside me. I cringe at the feeling. I hate the feeling of the medicine going in. It's so weird. I soon start to drift in and out of consciousness, then pass out.

Tanner's POV

We backed off the building a little just to think for a while. I had everyone trying to think of another way to go around this without just barging in there. So far we couldn't think of anything. I kept Luna and I's bond open so I can know she is okay. I feel a slight pain in my arm and quickly go to check Luna. Her wall was completely down, but when I tried to feel for her everything was black. She wouldn't communicate with me at all.

"Luna! Luna please answer me." I pause for a second but nothing. "Luna, answer me!"

She didn't answer me at all. I decide to wait for a little bit, even though my wolf and I both wanted to go straight in there and check on her, just to make sure she wasn't just sleeping or anything and I was just freaking out about nothing. I just hope she is okay.

Leader's POV

It has been about two days since we put her on the sedative, when I was called down to the labs. Quickly, I run downstairs and burst into the labs. I saw a few doctors surrounding the table Luna was on, and I started to get worried. She is our only chance to take down the werewolves as of right now. I am not going to lose her. The doctor I put in charge of her comes towards me.

"Sir, she is having a weird reaction to the sedative. We have taken it off of her and put a few medicines in her system so she can become stable."

"You took her off the sedative? I can't have her awake unless I know she is going to be cooperative. Put her back on it and make her stable with the sedatives."

"Sir, she was in critical condition."

"I don't care right now, put her back on it. We can't have her awake."

"If we put her back on it she may die."

"Just keep her sedated and keep pumping whatever you are into her. Keep her stable, and most importantly, keep her alive."

"Yes sir." I watch them go back and put another IV into her. She let out a small whimper and then she went to try to curl up like she was in pain. Of course the restraints were preventing her from doing so, but it was obvious what she was trying to do.

"Doctor, what's wrong with her?"

"It's the sedative. Her body is rejecting it and making everything worse. We are trying to keep her stable, but I don't know how long her body can take all of this."

"Well, keep trying." I then walk out, leaving him standing there. If she dies, it's on his


Author's Note.

I am so sorry. This chapter is even shorter than the last one. I am hoping they will get longer though. If not the next one then probably the one after that. Sorry. Please comment and vote if you liked the story. Please comment or massage me if you have any constructive criticism. 

I have also noticed that in the fourth and fifth chapters, read have really been going down. Is there something that I am doing causing that? I honestly don't know. Comment or message me if you know anything or have any suggestions in helping with that. It also could be that they haven't gotten the chance to read the other chapters yet too. I'm not sure. I don't know. Sorry for getting weird for a second. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue to read my book.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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