Chapter 31

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Please read the Author's note at the end of the chapter. Thanks.

Tanner's POV

I wake up to someone moving slightly beside me. I look down to see Luna. She had her head on my chest and her arms wrapped around my torso. She looks so peaceful. I look at the time and realize I am late for a meeting about Ashton. The whole pack wants him gone. I have a feeling Luna won't even let me consider it though.

Luna moves again just enough for me to see her mark. It looked amazing on her. I slowly trace patterns on her arm, making her snuggle even more into my chest.

"Stop." She whines. Chuckling, I lean down and kiss the top of her head. "Tanner, I am tired and sore. Leave me be."

"I have a meeting. I'm sorry, but it is important.."

"What is oh so important that you would leave me here alone?"

"We are deciding on whether or not Ashton stays with the pack."

"He stays and continues being your beta. End of meeting."

"Luna, I don't know if I want him as my beta after what he did."

"He did it for his mate."

"But you're my mate." I growl a bit, just thinking about him taking her to them. He was the one that took her to them. He caused this.

"I'm going." She gets up and starts to gets dressed. I growl in frustration. Why is she so stubborn and headstrong. I notice her slight limp as she walks, slowly getting used to the soreness. Once she was over to the closet, the limp was gone. I get up as well, grabbing a pair of pants and a white t-shirt. Putting some boxers on then all that, I look to see Luna staring at me. She was almost in a daze. I smirk and go up to her, waving my hand in front of her face.

She shakes her head and looks up at me. "Let's go." I look down and notice she is wearing leggings and a t-shirt. I am just happy the shirt covers her butt.

 "Luna, do you have to wear that?"


I groan in frustration, but just keep walking towards the meeting room. She is so stubborn sometimes. When we arrive, everyone stands and bows their head in respect. Luna just sort of stands there awkwardly, but glares at me when she sees Ashton in handcuffs.

"Take them off."

"No." She gets up in my face and I just have to smirk. She then does something I don't expect. She puts her arms around my neck and starts paying with my hair.


"Luna." I warn her, trying to keep my control.

"Just take them off him. What harm could he possibly do with all these people in here?" My wolf decides to speak up.

"Uncuff him."

She smiles and backs away instantly, leaving me glaring at her for using the bond against me. I see Ashton's mate go up to him and hug him. Hugging her back, he looks at Luna and smiles slightly. I notice Luna smiling back. Well, I guess she is happy. We all sit down and begin the meeting. I call the meeting to order.

"Now, we know this meeting is to decide what is to be done with Ashton and his mate. I have heard banishment is on the table. I also hear that some want him to stay and even still be my beta." A lot of confused looks turn towards me, then look around the room to see who would want that. They all land on Luna in the end. I let out a low warning growl and they all avert their eyes.

"There will be no accusations whatsoever. Now, I believe we need to vote."


I turn to see who said that, and it was Luna. "Why what?"

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