Chapter 19

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Tanner's POV

I felt movement and slowly woke up. Luna was beside me, clutching her stomach. I go to pick her up, but she lets out a groan of pain.

"Luna, what's wrong? Is it the sedative? What's going on?"

I try to comfort her, but she wasn't having it. She pushed me away. The only weird thing is, is that I wasn't feeling any pain.

"Doctor, please come up to Luna and I's room. Something is wrong with Luna."

"I will be right up."

I get up and pull on a pair of pants. When Jen came in the room with Bruce following her. My wolf growled in my head, not wanting him any where near Luna. He wanted to be near her. I then mentally do a facepalm. No wonder he is being so protective. She is officially going into heat.

"Sorry doctor, I know what is wrong. She is in heat."

"That's fine Alpha."

"How can I help her."

"Skin to skin contact is most efficient. Try to keep her cool. I am sure your mother can help you out if you need any further help. I am just not very good at that."

I nod knowingly. She is infertile. Since she is, she has not went into heat at all. Her mate and her were devastated, but they do adopt, and they love their children very much. Both doctors walk out and I contact my mom to come up.

Laying down next to her, I wrap my arms around her, lifting up her shirt slightly. I start to trace the scar on her back, and she sighs. She stops clutching her stomach and starts tracing patterns on my back.

My mom soon comes bursting through the door, causing me to move away from Luna to face her. Luna starts whimpering and clutching her stomach again.

"Mom, how do I help her?!"

She quickly runs into the bathroom and grabs a wet cloth.

"Okay, First thing you need to do is take off your pants."


"Skin to skin contact. She will need it."

I do as she says so I am just in my boxers. I was okay with Luna seeing me like this, but it was a bit awkward with my mom here. I know she has seen me like this before, but still. She looks over at Luna and notices her clothes.

"Does she have any shorts and a tank top?"

I walk over to her drawers and pull out some plaid pajama shorts and a blue tank top. She then looks at me with a look. I sigh and turn around, knowing what she is about to do. She clears her throat and I turn back around to see Luna changed. She was glaring at me for some reason.

"Okay, now just make sure you have skin to skin contact and place this on the back of her neck or on her forehead."

She throws the cloth at me and then leaves, closing the door behind her. I slowly sit down and then pull her on top of me, tracing the scar again. She sighs and stops whimpering, snuggling more into my chest. Placing the cloth on the back of his neck, she slowly goes back to sleep. I sigh. Man, this is going to be a long week.

She woke up within a hour and she groans a bit.

"Luna. Are you hurting?"

"No. I am just really hungry."

I chuckle. "What are you hungry for?"

"Can I have some pizza?"

"Yep. From where?"

"Um... I don't know. A place with really good taco pizza."

"Okay. I'm on it."

"Mom, can you get Luna and I some taco pizza from that one place you used to always get it from when we were kids."

"Yes I can."

"Okay. Please bring it up to us when you do. I don't want to leave Luna and she is not going downstairs with just shorts and a tank top."

I could hear her chuckle. "Yep. I will bring it up ASAP."


"No problem."

We lay there and wait. and just as promised, my mom brought up the Pizza. Luna practically jumps up and goes over to my mom.

"I see you're feeling better."


She chuckles and hands Luna the pizza. She almost skips over to the bed. sitting down, I pull her in close so she is sitting in between my legs.

"Do you want any?" Luna asks my mom.

"No honey. You two enjoy." She leaves and closes the door behind her. Luna soon grabs a paper plate from on top of the pizza box and grabs a piece. Before she takes a bit though, she brushes off everything except for the meat, cheese, and sauce. I look at her like she is crazy.

"What? I don't like all the other stuff."

She starts to eat and she ends up eating three pieces and I ate five. We then end up going back to sleep.  

Unknown POV

I look around the office, running my hands through my hair. There is so much paperwork. I start going through it and find one piece of paper that is pretty interesting. It is a note for me. I slowly open it, not recognizing the handwriting.

Hello my dear fellow,

I am just sending this to check in on your progress. I am homeful we are close enough to be able to get her. We need her. You know what will happen if you do not get her for me. Just keep that in mind and get Luna. I know you can do it.

Best of wishes,


  I sigh and run my hands through my hair. I know he with execute plan b, making me suffer until I get him Luna. Hell, I am suffering already. I quickly shred the letter and get back to the paper work. Thinking about a plan to get Luna, I realize I am going to have to wait at least a week. She just started her heat, and alphas are very protective of their mates during their heat. After that though, I will get Luna. Ryder can count on that.  

Author's POV

I am sorry. I know this is a short chapter. I just couldn't think of anything I could lengthen it with without ending it differently. I really wanted to end it like this. What did you think? Who do you think this mysterious person is? Any guesses? Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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