Chapter 11

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Tanner's POV

I hear a slight knock on the door, then hear the door open slowly. I go to get up, but get a groan of protest from Luna. I lay back down and look around, finally seeing my mom. She didn't look to happy. I practically jump up, Luna falling off the bed. I pick her up quickly and she rubs her butt, grumbling something under her breath.

"Um... hey mom. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I just happened to hear from Janet that you had a mate. Why did I not hear this from you first?"

"Um... well... it was complicated."

"How is it complicated?"

"Um... miss." We both look down at Luna who just said that. "I was the complication. You see, I am the foreseer. I was being difficult because he did not know certain things about my kind. Then a few other things happened, but now we are here."

"Wait, you're the foreseer?" She slowly nods her head. "So you were the one they were here for?" She nods again, sadness filling her eyes. I didn't have to read her mind to know she felt guilty for the attack.

"I'm really sorry for that. I did not want any of that to happen to the pack."

My mom's eyes soften immediately. "Oh honey! I don't blame you for any of it. I know it wasn't your fault. Even if you would have tried to leave, Tanner wouldn't of let you."

I stiffen at what she just said. My mom just blamed me for the attack. I glare at my mom, but instantly look away. She was giving me her famous mother stare, daring you to do something. You knew you would get in major trouble.

"It wasn't Tanner's fault."

"Oh, I wasn't saying that. I was just saying, it is in his instinct to keep you near him. You tried your hardest. It is not your fault. That's all I was trying to say."

"Oh. Okay." I look down, shocked that Luna stood up for me. I hug her from behind, bringing her into my chest  I could feel the confusion she is having, but over what. I go to see, but then back off. I want to see if she will tell me first.

"Well, I am Esther."

"Luna. Nice to meet you."

"Oh honey, I'm not the luna anymore. You are the luna now."

"No mom, that's her name."

She looks at Luna in embarrassment. "Oh, I am so sorry sweetie. Well, you can call me mom." I let go over Luna and my mom embraces her in a hug. Luna slowly hugs her back, and then she tightens her grip a bit. They part and I instantly pull her back into me.

"Sorry, I haven't had a hug like that since I can't remember last."

"What do you mean?" My mom and I say at the same time.

"Well, my mom died when I was born. I have never really had a mother figure in my life. I mean, Damien's dad was there for me, but his mother died when he was young too. I guess it just feels good to have a hug from someone that is a mom. It is so caring and full of love."

My mom had a sad look on her face. She gives me a look and I let Luna go. My mom embraces her again in a tight hug. Luna hugs her back instantly and my mom whispers something in her ears, too quiet for me to hear. I see Luna nod slightly and then my mom let her go. I wrap her into a hug again.

"Well, I hope to see you more often Luna. Tanner, I will have to have a discussion with you later too. If you ever need anything Luna, just tell me. I'm sure Tanner will give you a way to communicate with me. Well, I'll leave you two alone. Just wanted to finally meet my daughter in law. Bye." She then leaves.

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