Chapter 18

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Two updates in one day! Yay! I hope you like it. Happy almost new years.

Luna's POV

I slowly walk back into the house and sit down on the couch. I noticed Tanner standing in front of me, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Luna. I was just wondering....well... it's been a long day and... could we go to sleep?"

"It's not even eight. Don't you have alpha stuff anyways?"

"Not right at the moment. Please Luna. I am really tired."

"Okay." I slowly get up, not really being tired. I did take a nap today. He grabs my hand and leads me to the bedroom. He strips down into his boxers and I look away slightly. I could feel the slight blush forming on my cheeks.

It is not like I haven't seen a guy in just boxers or basketball shorts. In fact, that is all I usually see them in since they are training when I visit the packs. Honestly, it bugs me. I give them a heads up that I am coming most the time. Can they not be considerate enough to put a shirt on.

Tanner moves in front of me and I look up at him. He had a smirk on his face and I lightly smack his chest, sending sparks up my arm. I quickly pull my arm back, a bit shocked at the intensity of them. I look up at him and he seems just as shocked as me.

I decide to go into the bathroom and change into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Getting out, I walk over to the bed. I notice Tanner is already asleep and smile. I then hear him whimper and he started whispering things under his breath.


"Luna! No, Luna. I have to find her."

"Tanner, I'm right here, shh." I hopped on the bed and put my hand on his face. He grabs it quickly and jumps up, pulling me into his chest. I start tracing patterns on his back as he slowly calms down. "Are you okay?"

"I am now."

I smile and snuggle into his chest.

"What was the nightmare of?"

"It was about the night they took you."

I lightly kiss his chest and then lay down on it. He puts his hands on my waist and pulls me almost completely on top of him. Slowly I move a bit to get comfortable, then close my eyes and go to sleep.

Tanner's POV

I slowly felt her breathing even out, and wrapped my arms around her. My wolf was still on high alert after the dream. We both knew it was just a dream, but yet we also knew it wasn't. It was all so real, and they could come back at any time.   

I lift her shirt up a little at the end and trace patterns on her lower back. She stirred a bit and snuggled even more into my chest. Smiling, my wolf purrs. The purring reminded me of what Luna said it reminded her of, and I couldn't help but laugh. While I was laughing, she had moved just right to where her shirt rode up and I saw a decent sized scar on her back. Slowly tracing it lightly with my finger, I couldn't help but let out a low growl. This caused her to wake up with a start, sitting up. Her practically straddling me made me almost forget about her scar, but not quite.

I slowly lifted her up and turned her around, lifting up her shirt. She squirms away from me, pulling her shirt down.

"What the heck are you doing Tanner?!"

I could feel my wolf slowly taking over, but this time I could not control him. He fully took over and pulled her near him.

"What is the scar from?"

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