12: He's Coming

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"Whatever mama." I slam the door to my bedroom looking for my phone. She comes in after me continuing her bickering.

"Lyrica don't you slam my doors! You think that life is just a joke, you are never serious and I'm tired of it. You aren't passing your classes and you stay out all night! You're only sixteen!" She yells and I unwrap my headphones getting ready to put them in my ears. "Don't put those in your ears Lyrica!" She demands. I continue to unwrap them and she lunges forward reaching for them, I snatch back and hop off the bed.

"Could you get out!? Why are you always doing the most?" I stand up against the wall. She starts to pace the room and rub her head.

"Give me your phone, you are so fucking grounded!" I laugh and continue to stroll through my playlist of music, pushing the cord of my headphones into my phone. "Don't you hear me little girl!?" I move around my bed heading out of the door and she clutches my arm. "Where do you think you're-" I smack her hand off my arm and continue walking and of course she follows me. "LYRICA!" I finally turn around and give her the time of day. "Give me your phone, now!" I toss the phone at the wall, breaking it into pieces and leaving the house. "Where do you think you're going?" She opens the door behind me.

"Don't worry about it." I say and she slams the door shut as I continue down the block. I take a few turns and meet my friend Kasey at the warehouse.

I surprise him when I enter the building, "You early." He smiles.

"Yeah, me and my mama...again." I walked over to the small table he was at and grabbed the blunt that he was rolling. I learned how to roll back in seventh grade. I finish it off with a lick and he passes me the lighter. "Where is everybody?" I look around noticing how quiet it was.

"Probably on they way, I know some said they couldn't make it. I wouldn't mind if it was just us." He smirks. I've known Kasey for three years now, he's four years older than me but the older guys are always more fun. He owns one of the biggest drug lines over here in Phoenix. He's been struggle a little with rising star Zavion also known as Zaz ever since he upped his game over in San Diego, so now people buying supplies from him. Kasey tryna not to go to war with him but he warned him about fucking with his system. I sat here smoking away on this blunt while he kissed on my neck. I wasn't no stranger to Kasey it's been plenty of times were in this very warehouse we fucked, but with the argument I just had with my mama still on my mind, I couldn't enjoy any of his kisses. "Some wrong baby girl?" He notices my blank expression. I take another drag off the blunt before passing it to him.

"Nah," I release smoke, "I'm good." I climb over on top of him ready to get this shit off my mind....


I look over on the nightstand and grabbed my ringing phone, ignoring the call. I look up in the top right side on my screen realizing that it was ten in the morning. I get ready to spring up out of bed when cold rough hands capture my waist pulling me back down.

"Where you going?" A coarse hard voice mumbled. I look around my shoulder at him and it wasn't Kasey. I must of been dreaming. I didn't recognize him that much, but I do remember last night.

"...It's ten in the morning, I gotta go." I throw his hands off me and continue getting up to get dress.

"You don't have to leave." He sits up fully awake now and I roll my eyes.

"..Look yeah last night was amazing but I have to go." I grab my phone and start towards the door.

"Can I call you later?"

"Probably not." I close the door to his apartment behind me and walk to the bus stop. I check my phone that was on fifteen percent and noticed that I had four missed calls: one from Auntie Vicky, Sprite, another from Auntie Vicky.....and one from, Kasey?

I quickly dial his number back and pray that he answers. I haven't talked to Kasey since I tried to set him up for the police two years ago.

"...Lyrica." His menacing voice chuckled. My heart raced.

"Kasey....." I smile and think about all the times we had.

"I see you skipped town."

"I didn't skip town, I got put out and I came to live with my Auntie. I couldn't call you now could I?" I look down the empty street for a bus.

"...What? You think I'm still mad that you almost got me sent to jail for life?" He laughs, "Nah I got over that the next day. It was hard though since I considered you like a right hand to me. But we good...however revenge is the sweetest joy-"

My nerves go bad and my palms start to sweat, "What's that suppose to mean?" I swallow hard and look around me, paranoid.

"Don't get scared Lyric, I'm not going to do anything stupid. I'm going to mail you a plane ticket so you can come back here to Phoenix and do some work for me."

"I don't wanna come back to Phoenix." I say.

"...Well you don't get a say.....either you're on that flight Monday or I'm on the next flight to San Diego." I close my eyes and end the call. Quickly dialing back Sprite's number.

"Hey...where was you all night?" She answers.

"..I had a long night, but...I think I might need your help. It's Kasey....he's coming."

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