41: Fatal Endings ..

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Two days turned into a week. Ramina and her son has been guests in my apartment for a little to long now. Although she was good help with Junior, we had a deal that she'd only be here for two days. Brandon bugged me every night about her being here--I had to agree. Right now I was on my way home. I had to take Junior to a appointment with his pediatrician.

I park, get out, and lock my car. "My healthy little man." I kiss his fat cheeks. I didn't hear anything when I made it inside my apartment. Maybe Ramina got the hint and decided to leave on her own. I just ignored it and put Junior in his bouncer. In the living room was all of Ramina's stuff. Is she still here? I looked in the bathroom and her toothbrush was dry like she hasn't used it. I simply just shrugged it off and assumed she just went out. My hamper was full as shit since I ain't been to the laundromat in a week. I decided to do Ramina a favor before I ship her ass way, so I went to grab her laundry too. The door was hard to open. I shove into it and the door flew open. This stench hit me the minute the door open. "What the hell is this fucking smell?" I say aloud, searching the room. I couldn't pin point it, but the smell was making me dizzy so I decided to head out the room. "What the hell?" I noticed something that resembled a hand on the floor behind the door. I knew my squirmy ass shouldn't even investigate but I felt like the smell had my mind playing tricks on me. I pull the door back and I jump outta my skin. "What the fuck?" I look closer at the hand. It is definitely a hand. I cover my mouth with my hands and rush out the room and find my phone. "Hello I think I need the police....there's a hand in my house." I say to the dispatch lady.

"Can you clarify more ma'am?"

"I found a person's hand in my apartment. The hand of a person but nobody is here." I listen to myself as I spoke. I know I sounded crazy as shit but I know what I saw.

"So you think it was a homicide or something?"

"I don't know what it is! Can you send somebody please." There was a long silence before she responded.

"Ma'am call back when you have more information, I can't send a patrol car to you with that information." She hangs up. I stare at the phone, shock she just hung up on me. The stench from that room starting to travel throughout the apartment. I pick Junior up from his bouncer and use my hand to block his face from the odor. I checked behind the door of the room and the hand was still there.

"I knew I wasn't crazy. Mommy isn't crazy." I say to Junior. But hell my mama now resided in a mental hopsital.

"Babe you here?!" I hear Brandon voice from the front. I felt so much better. I rush to meet him. "Hey." I rush into his arms. "What's wrong? And what the hell is that smell?" He turns up his nose.

"I have no idea. But come see this." I hand him his son and lead him to the extra bedroom we had. "Look." His face turns blue and he turns his head from the sight.

"What the-is that a fucking hand!?" He stands ten feet away like he just saw a rat. "Why is a hand laying behind the door?"

"I don't know Brandon. I found it when I came home not to long ago and Ramina isn't here and neither is Hayden." I inform him. He stares hard at me and shakes his head.

"I'm going to get out this suit, you take Junior to his nursery so he won't have to smell whatever this smell is and I'll get this..hand from outta here." He gives me back Junior and I take him to his nursery as told.

"Mia!" I rush to our bedroom. Brandon stood in front of our large walk-in closet.


"Look." In the closet I see Hayden, curled up and trembling. "Hayden." I rush to him and help him out our very junky closet. I'm not even sure how he got in there. "Hayden what's wrong? Where's Ramina?" He points to the door. "Did she go somewhere and leave you here by yourself?" He nods but shakes his head very quickly. I look toward Brandon.

Thugs Ain't For Me: Chapter IIWhere stories live. Discover now