28: The War Calls ...

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"Gregory!" I call into the kitchen. He rushes into the dinning room. "How long before the food is ready?" I finish preparing the table while I wait for him to check the timer.

"Approximately ten minutes Sir." He entered back into the dinning room.

"Good....good." The dinning table was set and the place looked perfect. I placed candles sparsely around the house and now all was left was to serve the food. I rushed upstairs and got dressed.

Dark denim jeans and a button down polo shirt. Earlier I had stopped by the barber shop to make sure my look was on point for tonight. It was going on eight pm, but she was just in time as the doorbell rang.

"Don't worry Gregory, let me get it." I jog down the grand staircase toward the front door. I pulled open the wooden double doors revealing my beautiful girl.

"Hi." Her voice so angelic. I couldn't help but smile. I was blown away by how amazing she looked tonight. "...Hi?" She snapped her fingers taking me from my trance.

"Hey...you look amazing...." She pushed her long black hair over her shoulder and tugged at her dress a little, feeling the slightest bit insecure.

"You sure? I don't think this dress was appropriate for this occasion..." I stop her from trying to tug her dress down again and she looks into my eyes. "What?"

"The dress is fine baby...it's coming off later anyway." I smirk and she punches my arm playfully. "Well come on in, don't act like a stranger." I grab her wrist and pull her into the house.

"...The place is starting to look nice again." I can hear the lying in her voice. The hallway still had bullet holes in the walls and the livingroom walls still needed to be repainted. I got new furniture but that was about it. "I mean we still have a lot of work to do but it's starting to look like a house again." She snickers and I grab her waist pulling her in for a hug.

"Yeah we....because you should be moving in with me soon right?" I kiss her lips. But her eyes dart all around the room. "Right?" I restate.

"....I like where I live Zaz, and you know I don't like big fancy homes like this one." I release her and head to the dining room and she clicks her heels right behind me. "Don't get sour with me Zaz." I remain quiet. "Zaz."

"No Syleena damn! I asked you to marry me last year you told me no, I asked to start a family you said no, now I want you to move in with me and you saying no....this don't feel like a relationship at all. "

"No it didn't feel like a relationship when you cheated on me for three years straight!" She slammed her purse on the marble dinning room table. "It took you five years to get serious about this relationship and now all of a sudden you want to go full speed. Moving in, getting married, having kids. How about you just give me time to trust you again, alright?" The room grew quiet as I just replayed those last words of hers in my head.

"...Give you time to trust me? You don't trust me?" I ask.

"Don't look so surprised, have you given me any reasons to trust you? I don't think you have." My eyes follow her around the table as she takes a seat.

"Syleena...when I told you that I was gone get my shit together, that's what I meant." I tell her.

"...So when was the last time you cheated on me?"

My throat felt intensively dry as I thought back to the sexual relationship I had with Shay. Once that thought entered my head, what she told me about her kids came right after. I still haven't told Syleena I was a dad.

Thugs Ain't For Me: Chapter IIWhere stories live. Discover now